The Moaning of Life Season 2 Episode 6

Ep 6. Time

  • November 17, 2015
  • 43 min
  •   (62)

In this episode of The Moaning of Life, titled "Time," Karl Pilkington explores how different cultures view and utilize time. He begins by visiting Japan, a country known for its punctuality and obsession with efficiency. Karl is shocked to see how meticulously the Japanese people plan their day, down to the minute, and how they prioritize work above all else. He even participates in a Japanese ritual called "gomashio," which involves chanting while grinding sesame seeds to steady the mind.

Next, Karl travels to Mexico, where the concept of time is much more relaxed. He meets a man who runs on "Mexican time," which means he shows up whenever he feels like it. This laid-back approach to time extends to social events as well, where it's not uncommon for parties to last until the early hours of the morning. Karl also visits a small Mexican village where everyone still uses a traditional sundial to tell time.

In Ethiopia, Karl encounters a different perspective on time altogether. He spends time with the Hamar people, who have no clocks or calendars and base their schedules on the natural rhythms of the day. They measure time with a system of eight "watches," each of which corresponds to a different stage of the day. Karl struggles to adapt to this way of life, especially when he realizes he has missed an appointment because he was unaware of the correct watch.

Finally, Karl heads to California to explore the world of cryonics, the practice of freezing bodies in the hope of one day reviving them. He speaks with people who have chosen to have their bodies cryogenically preserved after death, in the hope that medical advancements will one day allow them to be brought back to life. Karl grapples with the morality of such a practice, and reflects on his own mortality and the impermanence of life.

Throughout the episode, Karl reflects on his own relationship with time and how cultural expectations and societal norms shape our understanding of it. He ponders the significance of moments both big and small, and questions whether the relentless pursuit of productivity and efficiency is truly the key to a fulfilling life. "Time" is a thought-provoking and introspective exploration of a universal theme, and reminds us to cherish the precious moments we have.

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  • First Aired
    November 17, 2015
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language