The Legend of William Tell

Watch The Legend of William Tell

  • 1998
  • 1 Season
  • 7.1  (282)

The Legend of William Tell is a thrilling adventure series set in medieval Switzerland. Produced by Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment, the show follows the heroic journey of William Tell, played by Kieren Hutchison, as he fights for freedom and justice against the tyrannical Austrian Empire.

The series is set against the stunning backdrop of the Swiss mountains and medieval towns. The authentic costumes, props and set design transport the audience back in time to the early 14th century, where the power struggle between the Austrian Empire and the Swiss Confederation is at its peak.

William Tell, an expert marksman and a man of principles, becomes a legend when he defies the Austrian governor Gessler, played by Andrew Robertt, who had ordered Tell to shoot an apple off his son's head. Tell refuses, and his defiance sets off a chain of events that shape the future of Switzerland.

Throughout the series, Tell and his band of rebels engage in daring rescues, intense battles and cunning schemes to outsmart the Austrian forces. Along the way, they encounter various characters, both allies and enemies, who challenge their beliefs and motives.

The show also explores the personal life of William Tell, his family and his love interests. Tell's love for his wife Hedda, played by Sally Stockwell, and his son Walter, played by Nathaniel Lees, drives him to fight for a better future for his people.

As the series progresses, Tell becomes the symbol of hope and freedom for the Swiss Confederation. His deeds inspire his fellow citizens to take up arms against the Austrian Empire and unite under a common cause. However, the road to victory is not easy, and the sacrifice and bravery of many lives are needed to achieve it.

The Legend of William Tell is a thrilling and heart-warming series that captures the spirit of adventure, heroism and patriotism. The well-written scripts, outstanding performances, and high production values make it a must-watch for fans of historical dramas and action-packed adventures.

In conclusion, The Legend of William Tell is an epic adventure series that tells the story of a hero who stood up against tyranny and fought for a better future for his people. With its impressive settings, engaging characters, and thrilling plot, it is a show that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

The Legend of William Tell is a series that ran for 1 seasons (14 episodes) between September 9, 1998 and on Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment

The Legend of William Tell
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14. Resurrection
December 20, 1998
With the apparent death of Kalem, the band splits up. Kreel assures Xax that the battle to win the Kingdom has been won. William has banished himself to a life of solitude, working on a pig farm. But after Kalem appears to him again, William sets out for one more chance to find the Crystal Arrow and save the Kingdom of Kale and restore the deposed Princess Vara to the throne.
13. Combat
December 3, 1998
William is in despair, believing that the spirit of Kalem has been overtaken by the dark forces. Conflict arises amidst the group and Aruna goes after Xax, but gets herself captured. William joins a band of prisoners in order to sneak into the Citadel to save Aruna. However, he finds himself in an unexpected position as the prisoners are being trained to fight as gladiators to the death.
12. Doppelganger
December 6, 1998
Kalem struggles despite her mythical powers to stop Kreel creating a doppelganger of Will who now is marauding the countryside with a band of Barbarians, leaving a trail of murder and destruction in his wake, all under the brand of William Tell. Throughout the Kingdom, new and old friends have turned against the group under the belief that William is a criminal.
The Labyrinth
11. The Labyrinth
November 22, 1998
In an attempt to defeat Will and Kalem, Kreel has brought forth the most concentrated evil in the form of Memlok - creature of the Dark who is sent out in the world in disguise as a pretty servant-girl, Arabella. Arabella is placed in the path of the rebels who 'rescue' her from Xaxian Warriors. But this time Kreel may have gone too far.
The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
10. The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
November 15, 1998
Will and the band are on a diplomatic mission to Mendica where two rival tribes, the Mendicans and the Sarks, have been fighting. Will is worried that the two tribes are too busy feuding to understand the threat of Xax's Warriors. But Assan, the Mendican leader, is preoccupied with the disappearance of his son. Kreel is sure that this will play a major role in the capture of the rebel forces.
The Lotus Eaters
9. The Lotus Eaters
November 8, 1998
After fleeing the Xaxian Warriors, William and fellow rebels stumble upon the Sacred Valley - a place of startling natural beauty which seems to magically grant their every desire. And the group quickly forgets about their quest for the Crystal Arrow. But Drogo soon discovers that there is something dark going on in this idyllic valley. And a dangerous price to pay in the pursuit of perfection.
Master of Doubt
8. Master of Doubt
November 1, 1998
During a hunt with a group of Warriors, Xax is ecstatic to cross paths with Will and his rebel forces. After they are chased by the horsemen on an open plain with seemingly no escape, the mist clears and reveals a mysterious castle. But the group soon discovers that this is no ordinary castle. It is the Castle of Doubt, where every good thing has an evil counterpart and nothing is what it seems.
7. Swarm
October 18, 1998
Princess Vara has fallen ill and the group is taken in by Harana, a healer and leader of a group called The Watchers. She leads them to a bountiful valley which does not seem to appear on any map. But it soon becomes evident that this idyllic valley is secretly controlled by Kreel. And William and the rebel forces must delve deep into their reserves and strategies to survive.
The Spirit of Kale
6. The Spirit of Kale
October 11, 1998
During an attempt to infiltrate Kreel in his stronghold, Kalem transforms into a bird but is sensed by Shaytana's Eye and badly wounded. In order to heal herself she must drink from the Crystal Stream but she is far too weak to make the journey alone. So Will and Aruna must assist her, leaving Leon and Drogo to protect Vara from the dark forces of Xax and Kreel.
The Challenge
5. The Challenge
October 4, 1998
A statue of Xax with crystal eyes has been placed in every village as a form of surveillance for Kreel and Xax to spy over the kingdom. Lalia refuses to worship the idol and is taken prisoner. Will discovers the type of crystal that is being used to transmit the images and seeks to destroy the mine that it is sourced from. But there is also a mystery to be resolved with Lalia.
Hidden Valley
4. Hidden Valley
September 27, 1998
The group seeks refuge in the Hidden Valley, but they soon discover that the water supply has been contaminated with a powerful hypnotic substance which has turned the once peaceful village into an army of willing slaves. William is positive Xax and Kreel are behind it all, but there is something more to it than simply William's capture.
Darkness and Light
3. Darkness and Light
September 20, 1998
William's bold plan to infiltrate the Citadel goes wrong when Leon is arrested after being caught talking to Alexim in the marketplace. Rather than executing Leon immediately, Kreel holds him prisoner as bait. But will William and the rebel forces fall to Kreel and Xax's nefarious plans?
Escape into Fear
2. Escape into Fear
September 13, 1998
William and the rebels suspect Xax is plotting with Kreel who has a reputation of delivering powerful, dark magic. After Princess Vara escapes during a battle with Xaxian warriors, William is conflicted when he discovers that there is a bounty on his head and villagers are threatened with execution unless he gives himself up.
The Fifth Column
1. The Fifth Column
September 9, 1998
After their escape from the mines, William and his newfound friends from the rebel forces - Leon, Aruna and Drogo continue their journey to obtain the mythical Crystal Arrow. But Princess Vara seems to think she is better suited on the throne beside Xax who seems to be remaining hot on their trail. It soon becomes clear that there is a traitor amidst the group. But who is it?
Where to Watch The Legend of William Tell
The Legend of William Tell is available for streaming on the Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The Legend of William Tell on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Vudu, Tubi TV and Pluto TV.
  • Premiere Date
    September 9, 1998
  • IMDB Rating
    7.1  (282)