The Jellies! is a hilarious animated television series that aired on Adult Swim from 2017 to 2019. The show was created and produced by Tyler, the Creator, who also provided the voice for the main character, Cornell Jelly. The Jellies! follows the adventures of a family of jellyfish who have adopted a human teenager named Cornell as their own. Cornell is unaware that he is not actually a jellyfish, and his adoptive family tries to keep this fact a secret.
Throughout the show, Cornell navigates the challenges of teenage life while also dealing with the unique quirks of being part of a jellyfish family. He attends high school, falls in love, and tries to make sense of his increasingly complicated family dynamic.
The Jellies! is known for its vibrant and colorful animation style, as well as its quirky sense of humor. Each episode is packed with hilarious one-liners and absurd scenarios that will have viewers laughing out loud.
One of the standout elements of the show is its cast of characters. In addition to Cornell and his jellyfish family, there are a number of eccentric and hilarious supporting characters. These include Cornell's crush, Abby, who is always texting on her phone; Cornell's best friend, Frankie, who is constantly getting into trouble; and Cornell's mom, who is never without her trusty bottle of wine.
Throughout its two-season run, The Jellies! tackles a number of important themes and topics, including identity, family, and the challenges of adolescence. But the show never takes itself too seriously - it always maintains a lighthearted and playful tone, and is sure to keep viewers entertained from start to finish.
Overall, The Jellies! is a must-watch for anyone who loves offbeat humor and colorful animation. With its memorable characters, hilarious writing, and unique premise, it's no wonder that the show has become one of Adult Swim's most beloved programs in recent years.
The Jellies! is a series that ran for 2 seasons (19 episodes) between October 22, 2017 and on Adult Swim
Premiere DateOctober 22, 2017
IMDB Rating6.3 (339)
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