The Injustice Files Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. The Secrets of Natchez

  • February 18, 2011

The Injustice Files season 1 episode 1, titled "The Secrets of Natchez," delves into the unsolved murders of African American men in the town of Natchez, Mississippi during the 1960s and 70s. Through interviews with family members, witnesses, and investigators, this episode sheds light on the racial tensions and discrimination that plagued the town during this time.

The episode begins by introducing viewers to the small town of Natchez, which became a hotbed of racial tension during the Civil Rights movement. As the first African American families began to move into the town, white supremacists responded with violence and intimidation. This episode focuses on the murders of three African American men - Wharlest Jackson, Frank Morris, and James Cole - who were each targeted for their activism and leadership within the community.

Through interviews with their family members, viewers gain a sense of the impact these men had on the community. Wharlest Jackson, for example, was a well-respected mill worker who was active in the NAACP. His daughter recounts how her father's tires were slashed and his brakes tampered with, leading to his death in a car bombing. The investigation into Jackson's murder was often stonewalled by local law enforcement, who were complicit in the racism and violence that pervaded the town.

Similarly, Frank Morris was a young man who was active in voter registration efforts and other civil rights causes. His sister describes how he was shot to death in front of his own home, leaving behind a wife and two young children. Despite witnesses coming forward with information about the shooter, no arrests were ever made.

As the episode unfolds, viewers get a sense of the systemic racism that allowed these murders to go unsolved. The investigation into James Cole's murder, for example, was closed after only three days, with no suspects ever identified. One interviewee notes that the police would often blame the victims themselves for their own murders, citing their political activism or alleged criminal activity.

Despite the lack of justice for these victims, their families continue to fight for recognition and closure. The episode ends with a poignant moment in which Frank Morris's daughter visits her father's grave for the first time, reflecting on the impact of his life and death. The Injustice Files season 1 episode 1 offers a powerful exploration into the ways in which racism and violence can perpetuate themselves through institutions and communities, and the importance of confronting this history head-on.

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  • First Aired
    February 18, 2011
  • Language