Watch The Head
- 2020
- 3 Seasons
6.8 (8,500)
The Head is a thrilling and suspenseful television series that premiered on HBO Max in 2020. The show stars John Lynch as Arthur Wilde, the head of a research station located in Antarctica, Katharine O'Donnelly as Maggie, his second in command, and Tomohisa Yamashita as Aki, a young and brilliant scientist.
Throughout the show's six episodes, viewers are pulled into a murder mystery that takes place on the research station. The story begins with the station's summer crew returning from their six-month expedition to find that the winter crew, who were supposed to have been keeping the place running, have disappeared. Only one survivor, Aki, is left, and he can't remember anything that happened during the winter months.
As the summer team begins to investigate, they discover that something terrible has happened on the station. The radio is broken, and all the vehicles are missing, leaving the crew stranded and isolated from the rest of the world. As the days pass, tensions rise, and it becomes clear that the killer is still on the loose. The team must race against time to find the murderer before they strike again, all while dealing with the harsh conditions and remote location of the station.
What sets The Head apart from other murder mystery shows is its unique setting. Antarctica provides a beautiful and eerie backdrop for the story, with its vast landscape, omnipresent snow, and snowstorms that make the days and nights almost indistinguishable. The location also adds an extra layer of tension and anxiety, as the crew is miles from civilization and help.
Moreover, the characters of The Head are compelling and multi-dimensional, each with their history and motivations. John Lynch's Arthur Wilde is a personable leader who genuinely cares about his team, but with a dark past that haunts him. Katharine O'Donnelly's Maggie is Wilde's right-hand woman, a tough and capable scientist who is not afraid to take charge. Tomohisa Yamashita's Aki is the mysterious survivor, who the team needs to solve the murder mystery, but whom they don't entirely trust.
The Head is also a beautifully shot show, with excellent cinematography and stunning visuals. The show's creators pay attention to every detail, and the result is a visually striking and atmospheric series that keeps viewers on the edge of their seat.
Overall, The Head is an intensely thrilling and suspenseful series that offers something fresh and exciting to viewers. The show's unique setting, compelling characters, and exceptional cinematography make it a must-watch for fans of the murder mystery and thriller genres. While it may not be for everyone, those who enjoy a good whodunit with a twist will undoubtedly find something to love about this show.
The Head is a series that ran for 3 seasons (14 episodes) between June 12, 2020 and on HBO Max