Watch The Harbor
- 2015
- 2 Seasons
The Harbor is a captivating and thought-provoking documentary series that premiered in 2015 on XiveTV. The show takes place in the Pacific Northwest and follows the lives of a diverse group of people who live and work in and around the harbor. The series explores the beauty and dangers of life on the water, and the complex relationships between the people who make their living from the sea. The show is divided into ten episodes, each one focusing on a different aspect of life in the harbor.
Throughout the series, viewers are introduced to a range of intriguing personalities, each with their own unique story to tell. There's a group of fishermen who brave treacherous waters to bring in their catch, battling storms and rough seas in the process. There are also the harbor pilots, who expertly guide massive cargo ships through the narrow channels and into the docks.
In addition to the professionals who work on the water, The Harbor also introduces viewers to a number of locals who live in and around the harbor. These include an artist who creates stunning sculptures out of driftwood, a group of volunteers who rescue seals and other marine animals, and a young couple who are trying to build a life for themselves on a small boat.
One of the most striking things about The Harbor is the way it captures the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. From sweeping aerial shots of the coastline to intimate glimpses of sea life, the series showcases the stunning scenery and wildlife that make this part of the world so unique.
But the beauty of the harbor is only part of the story. Throughout the series, viewers are reminded of the dangers that come with living and working on the water. From storms and rough seas to dangerous cargo and unpredictable wildlife, life in the harbor is fraught with risks and challenges.
Despite these challenges, the people of the harbor are incredibly resilient and resourceful. They band together in times of crisis, working together to overcome whatever obstacles come their way. And even in the face of tragedy, they continue to find joy and beauty in the world around them.
Overall, The Harbor is a beautifully-shot, deeply human exploration of life on the water. Whether you're a lover of the sea or simply intrigued by the lives of those who make their living on it, this series is sure to captivate and inspire.