Watch The Gunfather
- 2014
- 2 Seasons
The Gunfather is a reality show produced by MyOutdoorTV that follows the story of Joe Tuminaro, a master gunsmith and his family in Upstate New York. The series first aired in 2014 and is still available on the platform, offering a unique insight into the gun industry and the art of building and restoring firearms.
The showâs name, The Gunfather, is a play on the title of the famous American crime movie The Godfather and perfectly captures Joeâs reputation as the go-to man for gun enthusiasts looking for high-quality and customized firearms. In each episode, Joe works on different firearms, from hunting rifles to antique shotguns, and shares his expertise on the technicalities of the craft.
However, The Gunfather is not just a show about guns. Its strength lies in the dynamic between Joe and his family, particularly his father Lou and wife Theresa, who all play an active role in the business. Lou is the co-owner of the shop and Joeâs mentor, while Theresa takes care of the administrative side of the business. Together, they provide a glimpse into the daily life of a family business and the challenges and rewards that come with it.
The show captivates viewers with its authenticity and attention to detail. Viewers get to witness the different steps involved in the gun-making process, from creating a blueprint to selecting the right materials and using specialized tools. The camera zooms in on the intricate carvings on the wood as Joe works on a shotgun or rifle, bringing to life the beauty and artistry that goes into building each firearm.
What makes The Gunfather unique is how it celebrates the legacy of firearms and the craftsmanship that goes into them, while also recognizing the responsibility that comes with owning a gun. The show is not just about showcasing the different types of firearms but also educating viewers on gun safety and the importance of responsible gun ownership.
Furthermore, The Gunfather dedicates episodes to showcasing the history and culture behind firearms, such as the significance of the Winchester Model 21 shotgun or the legacy of the American gunsmiths. By placing a spotlight on the people and stories behind these weapons, the show offers a more nuanced perspective on firearms beyond the political debates surrounding gun control.
The Gunfather is not just informative but also entertaining, thanks to the chemistry between the Tuminaro family members. Joeâs passion for guns is infectious, and he makes for an engaging host with his quick wit and easy-going demeanor. Meanwhile, his father Louâs gruff but affable personality provides a perfect foil, and Theresaâs warm and supportive nature rounds out the trio.
The show also throws in some humor and lighthearted moments, such as when the trio attends a gun show and are surprised by the eclectic range of people and personalities they encounter. Or, when Joe takes on an unusual project, such as restoring a vintage flare gun or a gun disguised as a cane.
In conclusion, The Gunfather is an outstanding show for anyone with an interest in firearms, gun-making, or family businesses. The series is a testament to the craft and expertise required to build or restore firearms while also showcasing the familyâs gratitude and pride in their business. It is not just informative but also provides entertainment while educating viewers on gun safety and responsible gun ownership.
The Gunfather is a series that ran for 2 seasons (17 episodes) between September 30, 2014 and on MyOutdoorTV