The Greg Gutfeld Show Season 3 Episode 33

Ep 33. Season 3, Episode 33

  • June 25, 2017

The Greg Gutfeld Show is a late-night talk show that covers current events and popular culture with a humorous and satirical take. Season 3, Episode 33 features a lineup of guests including conservative commentator and author Mark Levin, comedian Joe Machi, and Fox News contributor Carley Shimkus.

The episode kicks off with host Greg Gutfeld sharing his "Greg-alogue" segment, where he offers his unique perspective on the news of the day. This leads to a discussion with the guests about the ongoing controversy surrounding the 2020 election, with each offering their thoughts on the election results and the Trump campaign's legal challenges.

The panel also delves into the recent news that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will receive an Emmy award for his daily COVID-19 briefings. The guests weigh in on the questionable decision to award Cuomo for the briefings, given his controversial handling of the pandemic in New York.

In a lighter moment, the show features a segment called "The Great Gutfeld Show Thanksgiving Food Fight," where Gutfeld and his guests debate the merits of various Thanksgiving dishes, ranging from turkey to green bean casserole. The conversation is punctuated with humorous quips and jests, providing a fun and lighthearted moment in the show.

The episode also includes a segment on "Cancel Culture," where the panel discusses the societal trend of "cancelling" individuals or groups for their controversial opinions or actions. The guests offer their opinions on the impact of cancel culture on free speech and expression, and the potential dangers of silencing voices with differing opinions.

Throughout the episode, Gutfeld and his guests keep the atmosphere light and humorous, with a healthy dose of sarcasm and wit. They engage in thought-provoking discussions on current events and cultural trends, while still finding time for laughs and entertainment.

Overall, Season 3, Episode 33 of The Greg Gutfeld Show offers a diverse and engaging lineup of guests, covering a wide range of topics with both seriousness and humor. Fans of the show will enjoy seeing Gutfeld and his guests delve into controversial issues while still providing a fun and entertaining viewing experience.

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  • First Aired
    June 25, 2017
  • Language