Watch The Goreys
- 2013
- 2 Seasons
The Goreys is a Fullscreen original series that premiered in September 2019. The show is a comedy-horror that follows the strange and macabre Gorey family, who are constantly battling for control over their creepy Victorian mansion, Morley Manor. The show features a wide variety of characters, each with their quirks and eccentricities. At the head of the Gorey family is matriarch Mildred, a cold and calculating woman who will stop at nothing to maintain her grip on Morley Manor. She is joined by her three children: Elizabeth, the eldest and most responsible of the Goreys; Harold, a bizarre and unpredictable man-child; and Victoria, a sultry and manipulative beauty who uses her charm to get whatever she wants.
One of the standout characters on the show is the Gorey family's butler, Jeeves. Despite his distinguished demeanor and impeccable service, Jeeves is secretly plotting against the Goreys and working to undermine their control over Morley Manor.
Throughout the series, the Goreys face a variety of challenges and obstacles as they struggle to maintain their grip on their creepy estate. From rival families and nosy neighbors to supernatural forces and otherworldly creatures, the Goreys must fight to protect their home and their way of life.
At its core, The Goreys is a dark comedy that combines elements of horror, suspense, and absurdity. The show is filled with moments of outlandish humor and over-the-top performances, but it never loses sight of its eerie and unsettling tone.
Fans of horror-comedies like The Addams Family and Beetlejuice are sure to love The Goreys. With its quirky characters, bizarre situations, and macabre humor, the show is a unique and entertaining addition to the Fullscreen lineup.