The Good Bandit is a Netflix original series that premiered in 2019. The show is a fictional drama that is inspired by the true story of Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, the head of the Cali Cartel, one of the largest drug cartels in Colombia. The show follows the story of a thief who, after a life-changing event, decides to turn his life around and start robbing from the rich and giving back to the poor.
The show is set in the 1990s in the city of Cali, Colombia. The main character, Andres (Andres Parra), is a thief who robs people to make a living. One day, while trying to steal from a wealthy woman's home, he witnesses a terrible crime and decides to use his skills to fight against corruption and organized crime. He starts robbing from drug dealers, corrupt politicians, and wealthy businessmen and redistributing their money among the less fortunate people of Cali. He becomes a modern-day Robin Hood and is known as "The Good Bandit."
As the show progresses, Andres becomes more and more involved in criminal activity and faces many challenges. He becomes a target for both the cartels and the police who are trying to bring him to justice. He also struggles to maintain his anonymity and keep his true identity hidden from his family and friends.
The show also explores the lives of the people of Cali who are affected by the drug trade and the violence that comes with it. The show depicts the harsh realities of life in Colombia during the 1990s, including poverty, corruption, and violence. It shows how the actions of one man can make a difference in the lives of many and inspire others to do the same.
The Good Bandit is a well-crafted, character-driven drama with a strong social message. It is a story about redemption and the power of one person to make a difference. The show's main character, Andres, is complex and multifaceted, and the audience is able to empathize with him even when he is doing something illegal or immoral. His struggles with his conscience and his desire to do good make him a compelling and relatable protagonist.
The show is beautifully filmed and captures the feel of Cali in the 1990s. The use of color and music adds to the show's authenticity and gives the audience a sense of the time and place. The acting is superb, and the supporting cast does an excellent job of bringing the world of the show to life.
One of the strengths of the show is its depiction of the various people who populate the city of Cali. The show portrays not only the wealthy and powerful but also the poor and marginalized. It shows how all of these people are affected by the drug trade and the violence that comes with it.
While the show is based on true events, it takes some liberties with the facts. The show's protagonist is fictional, and the events of the show are dramatized for effect. However, the show's writers did extensive research and used real-life events as inspiration for the story.
Overall, The Good Bandit is a well-written, well-acted crime drama with a strong social message. It is a story about a man who, despite his past mistakes, decides to use his skills for good. The show is intense, suspenseful, and emotionally engaging, and it will leave viewers thinking about its message long after the credits roll. It is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and anyone interested in the culture and history of Colombia.
The Good Bandit is a series that ran for 1 seasons (63 episodes) between August 30, 2019 and on Netflix
CastAna MarÑa ArangoKatherine PortoJimena Duran
Premiere DateAugust 30, 2019
IMDB Rating6.6 (128)
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