Ep 1. Series 3 Episode 1
The Goldbergs is a television show that follows the daily lives of the Goldberg family in the 1980s. This particular episode is the season three premiere, titled "Series 3 Episode 1." The episode begins with Adam, the youngest Goldberg child, excitedly starting his sophomore year of high school. Meanwhile, his older sister, Erica, has just returned home from summer camp and is struggling to adjust to life back at home in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania.
As the episode progresses, Adam tries to impress his crush, Dana, by signing up to be a part of the school musical. Despite his lack of singing ability, he is determined to win over Dana's heart. Erica, on the other hand, is trying to navigate her way through her new job at a local department store. She's frustrated by her difficult and demanding boss, but finds solace in the new friendships she's made with her coworkers.
Meanwhile, the Goldberg parents, Beverly and Murray, are dealing with their own issues. Beverly is feeling nostalgic for the days when her children were young and dependent on her, while Murray is struggling with the fact that Adam is growing up and becoming more independent. This conflict between Beverly's desire to control and Murray's desire to give his son space leads to some comical moments throughout the episode.
One of the major plot points of the episode revolves around the family's beloved grandma, "Nana," who has just moved back to town after being away for several years. Nana is a free-spirited and outspoken woman who is quick to meddle in the lives of her grandchildren. She becomes particularly fixated on Erica's love life, setting her up on a blind date with a seemingly perfect guy named Drew. However, things don't go quite as planned when they discover that Drew is much younger than Erica expected.
Overall, "Series 3 Episode 1" is a lighthearted and entertaining episode that captures the essence of The Goldbergs. It's filled with references to popular culture of the era, including nods to classic movies like The Karate Kid and Flashdance. The episode also explores themes of growing up, family dynamics, and the struggles of adolescence. Fans of The Goldbergs will no doubt enjoy this season premiere, and newcomers to the show will find it to be a fun introduction to the world of the Goldberg family.