The Forgotten Season 1 Episode 1
The Forgotten
Season 1

Ep 1. Pilot

  • September 22, 2009
  • 6.8  (103)

In The Forgotten season 1 episode 1 titled "Pilot", we are introduced to a team of investigators who specialize in identifying the remains of John and Jane Does. The team is led by Alex Donovan (Christian Slater), a former police detective who is haunted by the unsolved murder of his daughter.

The episode begins with the discovery of a female body in a lake. The local police department is unable to identify the victim, so they call in the team from the Forgotten Network. Alex and his team, which includes forensic specialist Lindsey Drake (Michelle Borth), medical examiner Dr. Melinda Warner (Rochelle Aytes), and field agent Tyler Davies (Heather Stephens), arrive on the scene and start their investigation.

The team begins by examining the body, which is badly decomposed and waterlogged. Dr. Warner performs an autopsy and discovers that the victim was likely strangled to death before being dumped in the lake. The team then uses facial reconstruction techniques to create a likeness of the victim's face, hoping to identify her through public outreach.

As the investigation progresses, the team discovers that the victim was likely a young woman who worked as a maid in a nearby hotel. They interview the hotel staff and guests, but no one seems to recognize the victim's face. Meanwhile, Alex becomes increasingly obsessed with solving the case, so much so that it begins to affect his personal life.

The episode also introduces us to Alex's ex-wife, Kelly (Heather Stephens), who works as a prosecutor and is dating the local police chief. Their interactions are tense, and it's clear that there is still some unresolved tension between them.

Towards the end of the episode, the team receives a tip from a woman who claims to have seen the victim at a gas station on the night she was killed. The woman provides them with a blurry photograph of the victim and a description of the car she was in. Using that information, the team is able to track down the car and identify the victim as a young woman named Laura.

In the closing moments of the episode, Alex goes to Laura's home to inform her parents of their daughter's death. It's an emotional scene, and Alex seems to be struggling with his own demons as he offers his condolences to the grieving parents. The episode ends with the team packing up their equipment, ready to move on to their next case.

Overall, The Forgotten season 1 episode 1 is a strong pilot that sets up the premise of the show and introduces us to its main characters. The investigation is well-paced, and the tension between Alex and Kelly adds an extra layer of drama to the episode. With its unique premise and talented cast, The Forgotten is definitely a show worth checking out.

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  • First Aired
    September 22, 2009
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.8  (103)