The Family Law

Watch The Family Law

  • 2016
  • 3 Seasons
  • 7.3  (496)

The Family Law is a comedy-drama television series from Australia that first premiered on SBS in 2016. The show ran for three seasons, concluding in 2019. The show is based on Benjamin Law's memoir of the same name and follows the life of the Law family, who live in the suburbs of Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

The Family Law is a captivating series that centers around the Law family's lives and the many challenges they face. The family consists of the parents, Danny and Jenny, and their five children - Benjamin, Candy, Tammy, Michelle, and Andrew. The show's theme is family, and each episode takes viewers on a journey of the different struggles each character goes through within their own lives and how they all come together to support each other.

Benjamin, being the show's central character, is a teenage boy who is dealing with the complexities of puberty, sexuality, and identity. His character is depicted as an introverted and reserved individual who does not have a defined sense of self. Throughout the series, viewers are taken through his journey of self-discovery and his attempts to find himself.

Candy, on the other hand, is the rebellious and outspoken older sister. Her character is depicted as someone who is sure of herself and does not shy away from speaking her mind. She grapples with her identity as an Asian-Australian and is determined to stand out and make a statement. Her character arc is one of defiance and asserting her autonomy.

Tammy is the youngest sister, and while she is still a child, her character deals with the absence of her father from her life. She is closer to her mother than anyone else in the family and often leans on her for support. Her character arc is one of vulnerability and the importance of family.

Michelle is the older sister that has settled into marriage, and her character arc deals with the balance between a career and a family. She is a doctor and has a sense of responsibility to fulfill her role as a mother and wife. Her arc is one of necessity and the importance of understanding the demands of balancing family life and a career.

Andrew is the youngest brother in the Law family, and his character arc deals with his attempts to fit in as a young boy and his struggles with mental health. At the start of the series, he takes on a persona that he feels will make him accepted in society. Still, throughout the show, he learns to be comfortable in his own skin.

The show's dynamics are anchored on the relationship between Danny and Jenny and the struggles they face as a couple. Despite their marital issues, they find a way to co-parent their children, and their relationship remains an essential part of the series.

The Family Law has a unique storytelling style that weaves humor into challenging themes and moments. The show's humor is relatable to the audience and does not detract from the seriousness of the issues that each character faces.

The Family Law is an excellent addition to the world of television series centered vastly on the themes of family and self-discovery. The show's depiction of family is realistic and grounded, making it easy for viewers to resonate with the characters. The show covers themes such as mental health, sexuality, cultural identity, marriage, and family, giving it a universal appeal.

In conclusion, The Family Law is a well-written, well-acted dramedy that tackles complex themes in an approachable and relatable way. The audience is taken through a journey of self-discovery with the Law family, and each character's growth is both realistic and genuine. Anyone looking for a heartfelt and relatable family drama will undoubtedly find The Family Law fascinating.

The Family Law is a series that is currently running and has 3 seasons (18 episodes). The series first aired on January 14, 2016.

The Family Law
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Number One Gay Son
6. Number One Gay Son
January 26, 2019
Aunty Maisy arrives at Jenny's kitchen with a problem: her son has come out as gay. Benjamin convinces himself that Jenny is homophobic after overhearing part of their conversation, and feeling resentful throws himself into the talent quest.
Panic Stations
5. Panic Stations
January 26, 2019
Benjamin struggles with his feelings for Klaus after a drama exercise leaves him tense; Peter calls Jenny out of the blue to ask her to dinner, forcing her to confront her feelings.
Dancing in the Dark
4. Dancing in the Dark
January 19, 2019
With the school dance approaching, Benjamin is excited as he and Melissa have organised matching outfits, however things go awry when Melissa gets a date; Jenny spots Pete out with another woman and decides to turn to internet dating.
Painfully Camp
3. Painfully Camp
January 19, 2019
Benjamin becomes obsessed with spying on Klaus while he is working out across the road and worries about what it could mean. To escape temptation, Benjamin enthusiastically agrees to go on a camping trip.
Close Encounters of the Male Kind
2. Close Encounters of the Male Kind
January 12, 2019
An accidental rear-end in the school car park leads to a new romance for Jenny; Ben is targeted by bullies due to his love for musical theatre.
Ready for This
1. Ready for This
January 12, 2019
Melissa and Benjamin plan to sneak into a year 12 party where there will be alcohol. Melissa only has eyes for the boys that will be there.
Where to Watch The Family Law
The Family Law is available for streaming on the website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The Family Law on demand at Hulu.
  • Premiere Date
    January 14, 2016
  • IMDB Rating
    7.3  (496)