Watch The Escape Artist
- 2014
- 1 Season
7.5 (7,164)
The Escape Artist is a gripping British legal thriller and drama television show that aired in 2013. The show features renowned Scottish actor David Tennant in the lead role alongside Toby Kebbell and Brid Brennan, amongst others. The show's storyline revolves around Will Burton, a successful and talented lawyer played by Tennant. He is known for his incredible talent of getting his clients acquitted regardless of the severity of the charges against them. However, as the show progresses, he also demonstrates his moral compass and sense of justice.
At the beginning of the show, Burton is initially tasked with defending the notoriously guilty Liam Foyle, played by Kebbell, who has been charged with the brutal murder of a young woman. Foyle appears to have an obsession with Will and gets a strange pleasure out of messing with his mind. Despite the overwhelming evidence against Foyle, Burton successfully gets him acquitted. However, Foyle holds a sinister grudge against Burton, and he follows him and his family, seeking revenge.
As the storyline progresses, Burton's character is fleshed out. He is depicted as a loving husband and father of two who is dedicated to his family. But what stands out most about him is his unwavering interpretation of justice ethical standards. Burton abides by the letter of the law, which makes him the perfect hire for shady characters looking to avoid convictions.
In addition to the complex and multi-layered main characters, the show features other noteworthy performances by supporting actors. Take, for example, Brid Brenna, who plays Maggie Gardner, a respected lawyer and Will's boss. She is a formidable woman and a trusted confidant of Will's. Burton has a few intense moments with her as she becomes his only trusted ally.
The show's creators have managed to strike a great balance between captivating drama and intense legal proceedings. Burton's struggle with Foyle is often shadowed by dangerous people determined to keep their secrets hidden. As events escalate, Burton's genius, intelligence, and innate sense of justice drive his ambition to reveal the truth, no matter the cost.
The Escape Artist is renowned for its visually stunning presentation, and the show's combination of action shots and dialogue-heavy scenes is distinctive. It is evident that the show's creators paid great attention to detail, and the result is a sincere and immersive experience.
In terms of pacing, the show keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. Each episode follows a relentless, fast-paced fashion with suspenseful moments around every corner. The storyline meanders with multiple twists and turns, keeping the viewer guessing, and the satisfying end of every episode is always just out of reach.
In conclusion, The Escape Artist is an incredibly well-crafted legal thriller that showcases David Tennant's undeniable acting prowess. Its captivating storyline manages to remain engaging throughout, with magnificent performances from the entire cast, making it a true gem in the UK television drama scene. It is a true recommendation to both legal and drama enthusiasts, and anyone in between.
The Escape Artist is a series that ran for 1 seasons (3 episodes) between June 15, 2014 and on