The Ellen DeGeneres Show Season 14 Episode 40

Ep 40. Kris Jenner

  • March 1, 2016

Kris Jenner, the matriarch of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, joins Ellen on The Ellen DeGeneres Show for season 14 episode 40. The episode promises to be a fun-filled hour of laughter, surprises, and heartwarming moments as Ellen and Kris chat about family, life, and the latest happenings in their worlds.

Kris Jenner is a powerhouse in the entertainment industry, a savvy businesswoman, and a devoted mother of six. Ellen and Kris will discuss how she balances her time between her busy career and family life, giving viewers a glimpse into the life of one of the most famous families in the world. Kris is known for her sharp sense of humor, so fans can expect plenty of laughs and witty banter between her and Ellen.

Throughout the episode, Ellen and Kris will reminisce about their past appearances together on the show and share some of their favorite moments over the years. The two have a strong bond, and it will be clear to viewers that they have a genuine friendship that has lasted many years.

In addition to sharing stories and laughs, Kris will also discuss some of the exciting projects she has in the works. As the executive producer of the hit reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kris is always busy with new and exciting ventures. Viewers can expect to hear about some of the upcoming episodes of the show and get a sneak peek into what's in store for the Kardashian-Jenner family.

As always, The Ellen DeGeneres Show will feature some surprises and heartwarming moments that will leave viewers feeling happy and inspired. Ellen is known for her generosity and kindness, and fans can expect her to pull out all the stops for this episode. Whether it's surprising Kris with an unexpected gift or featuring special guests that are close to her heart, Ellen always delivers when it comes to making her guests feel special.

Overall, season 14 episode 40 of The Ellen DeGeneres Show promises to be a must-watch for fans of Kris Jenner, Ellen, and the Kardashian-Jenner family. With plenty of laughs, surprises, and heartwarming moments, viewers can expect an hour of fun and entertainment that they won't soon forget.

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  • First Aired
    March 1, 2016
  • Language