Watch The Eccentric Family
- 2013
- 2 Seasons
7.6 (423)
The Eccentric Family is an anime television show that first aired in 2013. The show takes place in Kyoto, Japan, and is centered around four anthropomorphic tanuki and their adventures in a world where humans, tanuki, and tengu coexist. The show follows Yasaburou Shimogamo, a carefree and mischievous tanuki, and his three brothers - Yajirou, a tanuki who has been turned into a frog and can no longer shapeshift; Yaichirou, who serves as the responsible and dependable brother, and Gyokuran, a female tanuki who lives in a small mountain shrine. The Shimogamo family is known for their close relationship with the tengu, a mystical race of bird-like creatures who they frequently interact with throughout the show.
The Eccentric Family explores themes of family, identity, and the struggle for power in a world where different species vie for control. One of the main plot points of the show is the Shimogamo family's relationship with the powerful tengu, who they are beholden to as a result of a past conflict. The show examines the complex power dynamics of this relationship, highlighting the various factions and political machinations at play.
The show's animation is visually stunning, with beautifully detailed backgrounds that capture the spirit of Kyoto. The character designs are unique and memorable, with each character possessing their own distinct look and personality. The voice cast is excellent, with standout performances from Jun'ichi Suwabe as Yasaburou, Takahiro Sakurai as Yasaburou's tengu friend, and Hiroyuki Yoshino as Yaichirou.
One of the strengths of The Eccentric Family is its ability to seamlessly blend comedy and drama, crafting a world that is both whimsical and serious. The show is full of humorous moments - from Yasaburou's antics to the various misadventures the Shimogamo family finds themselves in. However, there are also moments of real pathos as the show explores the emotional struggles of its characters.
Another standout feature of The Eccentric Family is its use of Japanese folklore and mythology. The show draws heavily on traditional stories and legends, imbuing the characters and setting with a rich sense of history and culture. The tengu, tanuki, and other supernatural beings of the show are all inspired by real-life Japanese mythological creatures, adding an additional layer of depth and intricacy to the show's world-building.
Overall, The Eccentric Family is a captivating and compelling anime that boasts excellent writing, animation, and voice acting. The show's exploration of themes of family, identity, and power make for a fascinating watch, while its unique blend of comedy and drama keep the audience engaged throughout. Fans of Japanese folklore, intricate world-building, and emotionally resonant storytelling will find plenty to love in this compelling show.
The Eccentric Family is a series that ran for 2 seasons (26 episodes) between July 7, 2013 and on YTV