The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is a popular American talk show that takes a satirical look at the news, politics, and current events of the day. In season 2018 episode 114, comedian Jimmy O. Yang joins Trevor Noah on the show to talk about his new book, "How to American: An Immigrant's Guide to Disappointing Your Parents."
Throughout the episode, Jimmy and Trevor discuss a range of topics related to his life as an immigrant in America, including his experiences growing up in Hong Kong and his journey to becoming a successful comedian and actor in Hollywood. The conversation is both humorous and insightful, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that come with pursuing the American Dream.
In addition to his book, Jimmy also talks about his current roles on the hit HBO series "Silicon Valley" and the upcoming film "Crazy Rich Asians," which is set to be one of the biggest movies of the year. The two also delve into the politics of immigration and the current state of Hollywood, touching on issues related to representation and diversity in the industry.
As always, Trevor offers his own comedic commentary on the news of the day, providing his unique take on the latest headlines from around the world. Through his sharp wit and incisive commentary, he makes sense of the often-confusing world of politics and current events, helping viewers to understand the complex issues of the day.
All in all, season 2018 episode 114 of The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is an engaging, insightful, and highly entertaining episode that is sure to leave viewers both informed and entertained. Whether you are a fan of Jimmy O. Yang, Trevor Noah, or just enjoy a good laugh, this episode is definitely not to be missed.
First AiredAugust 15, 2018
Runtime1380 min
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