The Colbert Report Season 8 Episode 96

Ep 96. Jonathan Haidt

  • May 2, 2012

Jonathan Haidt, the social psychologist, author, and speaker, is the featured guest on this episode of The Colbert Report. The two engage in a wide-ranging conversation that touches on many of Haidt's areas of expertise, including the psychological and cultural roots of morality and how it shapes political beliefs, the dangers of political polarization, and the role of free speech in maintaining a healthy society.

Haidt's research has shown that humans have several innate moral foundations, including care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and sanctity, that guide our moral thinking and behavior. He argues that these foundations are present across cultures and political ideologies, but different groups place more emphasis on some foundations than others, which can lead to disagreements and conflicts.

Colbert and Haidt discuss how these moral foundations shape political beliefs and how they can be used to bridge political divides. They also explore how social media and echo chambers can contribute to polarization by reinforcing existing beliefs and creating a sense of moral superiority.

Haidt believes that free speech is essential for a healthy democracy, but he also acknowledges the challenges of balancing it with the need for civility and respect. Colbert asks him how he would handle a situation where a controversial speaker is invited to a university campus, and Haidt responds by emphasizing the importance of creating an environment where diverse viewpoints can be expressed and debated without intimidation or violence.

The conversation also touches on Haidt's latest book, "The Coddling of the American Mind," which explores the rise of what he calls "safetyism" in universities and other institutions, where students demand protection from speech and ideas that they find offensive or harmful. Haidt argues that this trend is not only harmful to free speech but also to the mental health and resilience of young people who are not learning how to handle adversity and discomfort.

Throughout the interview, Colbert and Haidt engage in a lively and respectful exchange, highlighting the importance of civil discourse and intellectual curiosity. While they may not always agree on everything, they model how it is possible to have constructive conversations with people who hold different perspectives and values.

Overall, this episode of The Colbert Report offers a thought-provoking and timely discussion on the importance of moral foundations, political polarization, free speech, and the challenges of creating a healthy and inclusive society.

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  • First Aired
    May 2, 2012
  • Language