The Chi is a show about the interconnected lives of residents of a Chicago neighborhood. The drama, which premiered in 2018 on Showtime, explores themes of family, community, poverty, and violence. At the center of the show is a young man named Brandon, played by Jason Mitchell. Brandon dreams of opening his own restaurant and hopes to use his skills as a chef to escape the violence and poverty of his neighborhood. Along the way, he gets tangled up in the lives of other residents of the neighborhood, including his girlfriend Jerrika, played by Tiffany Boone, and his mother, played by Sonja Sohn.
Another key character on the show is Emmett, played by Jacob Latimore. Emmett is a young father struggling to provide for his child. He works a series of low-wage jobs and often turns to illegal means to make ends meet. He has a complicated relationship with his own father, played by the talented rapper and actor Common.
Ntare Guma Mbaho Mwine plays Ronnie, a middle-aged man struggling with addiction and guilt for his past mistakes. Ronnie is haunted by the murder of a young boy and is determined to find the killer and seek redemption.
The Chi also explores the lives of several other characters, including a group of teenage girls navigating the challenges of high school, a couple dealing with a difficult pregnancy, and a police officer trying to make a difference in the community.
The show is a gritty and realistic portrayal of life on the South Side of Chicago. It doesn't shy away from the violence and poverty that plague the neighborhood, but it also highlights the resilience and strength of its residents. The Chi is a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of the way our lives intersect and the importance of community in overcoming adversity.
Overall, The Chi is a must-watch for anyone interested in powerful storytelling, complex characters, and realistic depictions of life in America today. Fans of shows like The Wire and Friday Night Lights are sure to find plenty to love about this gripping drama.
If you want to catch up on The Chi or start watching from the beginning, you can easily do so by watching The Chi online through Showtime's website or streaming apps. With its engaging characters and compelling storylines, this show is definitely one you don't want to miss.
Watch The Chi Online and experience the power of this gripping drama for yourself.
The Chi is a series that ran for 6 seasons (66 episodes) between January 7, 2018 and on SHOWTIME
CastJason MitchellJacob LatimoreNtare Guma Mbaho Mwine
Premiere DateJanuary 7, 2018
IMDB Rating7.5 (8,525)
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