Watch The Changes
- PG
- 1969
The Changes is a British science-fiction television series that was produced by the BBC and aired in 1975. The show starred Vicky Williams as a young girl named Nicky Gore who lives in a fictional English village in the near future. The Changes is set in a world where all mechanical devices have become unusable, and people are forced to return to a pre-industrial way of life.
The series is based on a trilogy of books by Peter Dickinson, which includes The Weathermonger, Heartsease, and The Devil's Children. The Changes tells the story of a mysterious event called "The Noise," which causes people to become violently opposed to all forms of machinery, from cars to radios. The exact cause of The Noise is never explained, but it is suggested to be a punishment from God for humanity's over-reliance on technology.
As the world falls into chaos, Nicky sets out on a perilous journey to find her family, who have been separated by The Noise. She is joined by a group of travelers, including an ex-policeman named Alan, a young boy named David, and a mute girl named Phoebe. Together, they travel through the English countryside, facing dangers both natural and human-made, as they strive to reunite with their loved ones.
The Changes is a well-crafted and thought-provoking series that explores themes of technology, faith, and the resilience of the human spirit. The show is notable for its strong performances, particularly from Vicky Williams, who delivers a convincing portrayal of a young girl forced to become a leader during a time of crisis.
The series is also notable for its attention to detail in terms of production design and costume design. The Changes presents a believable vision of a world without technology, with the characters wearing handmade clothing and using primitive tools to survive. The show's creators painstakingly created a believable post-technology world, which adds to the sense of tension and urgency in the story.
Another strength of The Changes is its ability to create a sense of tension and unease. The series uses a combination of naturalistic acting, atmospheric music, and clever editing to create a feeling of unease that stays with the viewer long after the episode has ended. The Changes is, at heart, a gripping adventure story, but it is also a deeply philosophical meditation on the role of technology in society and what it means to be human.
Despite its many strengths, The Changes was only granted one season of episodes, perhaps due to its dark and somewhat bleak subject matter. Nevertheless, the show has remained a cult favorite with science-fiction fans and is remembered fondly for its imaginative storytelling and compelling performances.