Watch The Brak Show
- 2000
- 4 Seasons
7.1 (4,263)
The Brak Show is an animated television series created by Andy Merrill and Jim Fortier. It premiered on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block on December 21, 2000, and ran until December 31, 2003, before being revived for a short period from 2007 to 2008. The show is a spin-off of Cartoon Planet, a variety show featuring classic cartoons and skits, and stars the character of Brak, a humanoid cat-like alien, and his family.
The show features the wild and wacky adventures of Brak, his father, and mother, as they navigate the ups and downs of living in their suburban home in the world of Space Ghost. Brak's father, simply known as Dad, is a hardworking family man who tries his best to keep things in order, while Brak's mother, Mom, is the stabilizing force in the family, often being the voice of reason in the household. In addition to Brak's immediate family, the show features a host of supporting characters, including the next-door neighbor Zorak, a praying mantis-like villain from the Space Ghost franchise who is always up to no good.
The series stars voice actors C. Martin Croker as both the voice of Brak and his father, Dad, as well as other recurring characters, Carey Means as Zorak, George Lowe as Space Ghost, Marsha Crenshaw as Mom, Joanna Daniels as Brak's love interest, Thundercleese, and Don Kennedy as various characters throughout the show's run.
Throughout its run, The Brak Show was known for its irreverent humor, pop culture references, and silly plotlines. The show often parodied classic sitcom tropes, adding its own unique twist to each scenario. The show also experimented with a variety of animation techniques, incorporating both traditional and computer-generated animation.
One of the show's most memorable episodes is "The Brak Show Musical," in which the characters break into song and dance numbers throughout the episode, parroting classic musicals such as The Sound of Music and West Side Story. The episode features original songs such as "I Love Beans" and "Don't Touch Me," which have become fan favorites.
Despite its offbeat humor and sometimes nonsensical plotlines, The Brak Show was beloved by fans and has gained a cult following in the years since its cancellation. The show's quirky characters and unique brand of humor have earned it a place in the pantheon of classic Adult Swim programming.
In Conclusion, The Brak Show is a hilarious and unconventional animated series that provides a refreshing take on the classic sitcom formula. Its eclectic cast of characters and zany plotlines make for a truly unique viewing experience, and it remains a beloved classic to this day.
The Brak Show is a series that ran for 4 seasons (30 episodes) between December 21, 2000 and on Cartoon Network