The Biggest Loser Australia

Watch The Biggest Loser Australia

  • 2006
  • 6 Seasons
  • 5.2  (284)

The Biggest Loser Australia was a television reality show that captivated millions of viewers from 2006 to 2017. The show was a production of Crackerjack Productions, and it featured some of the world's most renowned trainers, including Michelle Bridges, Jillian Michaels, and Bob Harper.

The show was designed to address the growing issue of obesity and weight gain among Australians of all ages. It aimed to inspire and motivate obese individuals to live healthier lives and achieve weight loss goals through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications.

The Biggest Loser Australia follows a dozen or so contestants who are morbidly obese and looking to shed a significant amount of weight. These contestants are housed in a special facility where they receive comprehensive support from the trainers and the production crew. They are provided with top-notch physical and mental training, nutrition coaching, and psychological counseling.

The show had a simple format where the contestants competed with each other in a series of challenges, with the ultimate goal of losing the most weight over the course of the season. Each challenge had a different theme, and the competitors had to overcome their physical and mental limitations to perform their best.

Throughout the show, the contestants were weighed and measured to track their progress, and those who made significant progress were awarded immunity from elimination. However, those who failed to meet the required weight loss targets faced weekly eliminations, which created an element of drama and suspense in the show.

The show's trainers, Michelle Bridges, Jillian Michaels, and Bob Harper, were instrumental in the contestants' success. They each brought their unique styles and philosophies to the show, and viewers were fascinated by their expertise and ability to transform people's lives. For instance, Michelle Bridges was known for her empathic, no-nonsense approach to personal training, while Jillian Michaels was fiercely competitive and known for her tough love.

The Biggest Loser Australia was not just a show about weight loss; it was also about personal transformation, overcoming adversity, and forging lifelong friendships. The contestants were from diverse backgrounds and had different stories, but they all shared a common goal of achieving better health and fitness. The show highlighted the struggles and triumphs of weight loss, and it inspired millions of Australians to take control of their lives and tackle their weight loss goals head-on.

In conclusion, The Biggest Loser Australia was a groundbreaking television show that tackled the issue of obesity in a unique and entertaining way. The show's trainers, Michelle Bridges, Jillian Michaels, and Bob Harper, were instrumental in the success of the show, and their expertise and dedication inspired millions of viewers across Australia. The show's legacy continues to live on, and it remains an inspiration to those who are looking to transform their health and fitness.

The Biggest Loser Australia
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Episode 53
53. Episode 53
April 7, 2011
The grand finale!
Episode 52
52. Episode 52
April 6, 2011
Last Chance Training
Episode 51
51. Episode 51
April 5, 2011
Contestants wakeup to find out it's Train the Trainers day
Episode 50
50. Episode 50
April 4, 2011
Super Contest Continued
Episode 49
49. Episode 49
April 4, 2011
Dr Swan reveals new improved Bio Age
Episode 48
48. Episode 48
April 3, 2011
Basketball Elimination Challenge
Episode 47
47. Episode 47
April 2, 2011
Eliminated Contestants Return.
Episode 46
46. Episode 46
April 1, 2011
Trainers arrive at family homes
Episode 45
45. Episode 45
March 31, 2011
Super Challenge: Food Element continues
Episode 44
44. Episode 44
March 30, 2011
Southern Excellence arrives at Constitution Dock and is greeted by Hayley
Episode 43
43. Episode 43
March 29, 2011
Night 1, weather changes for the worse and the contestants are hit with 27 Knot winds
Episode 42
42. Episode 42
March 28, 2011
Trainers get the contestants to make a list of promises for the future
Episode 41
41. Episode 41
March 27, 2011
Shannan + Lara Food Chat Actuality
Episode 40
40. Episode 40
March 27, 2011
Michelle + Tiffiny Healthy Cooking Class
Episode 39
39. Episode 39
March 26, 2011
Makeover Reveal
Episode 38
38. Episode 38
March 25, 2011
Elimination Aftermath
Episode 37
37. Episode 37
March 24, 2011
Last Chance Training
Episode 36
36. Episode 36
March 23, 2011
Trainer Reveal Challenge
Episode 35
35. Episode 35
March 22, 2011
A trainer reveal, training before the next contest and a surprising win for another immunity.
Episode 34
34. Episode 34
March 21, 2011
One contestant wins immunity and we follow the post temptation training.
Episode 33
33. Episode 33
March 20, 2011
Contestants receive letters and the winner gets a family visit. Loser politics continue as they plea their case for elimination.
Episode 32
32. Episode 32
March 19, 2011
The contest concludes. White,Blue,Black teams train with Olympic Beach Volleyball Champions at Manly Beach. The Challenor's and Michelle Train in the Top Gym.
Episode 31
31. Episode 31
March 18, 2011
Meg Dream outfit chat with Tiffiny. Leigh Decides Contest theme and the four contestants with the highest Weight loss percentage will compete
Episode 30
30. Episode 30
March 17, 2011
Singles reveal in the Big Gym and Total Weight of All Contestants in Vat of Fat. Then it's Pyramid training and a breakfast cook-off.
Episode 29
29. Episode 29
March 16, 2011
The winning team must choose a member of the opposition's family for elimination.
Episode 28
28. Episode 28
March 15, 2011
The Wood Saw contest winner is decided and the teams are introduced to the Obstacle Course at Cataract Scout Park.
Episode 27
27. Episode 27
March 14, 2011
The winning family of the weigh in chooses who will compete in the wood saw challenge.
Episode 26
26. Episode 26
March 13, 2011
Trainers are revealed and we have another round of Elimination and temptation. The Family weigh-in begins.
Episode 25
25. Episode 25
March 12, 2011
The Sand Dune Challenge continues. Two teams fall below the yellow line and discuss who will be eliminated.
Episode 24
24. Episode 24
March 11, 2011
The winning Legend gives a family member immunity. Meanwhile there is surfing training with Sam and Nathaniel.
Episode 23
23. Episode 23
March 10, 2011
The winning Family this week will dine at restaurant with all Family Members. Plus 3 rounds in the challenge of strength knowledge and endurance.
Episode 22
22. Episode 22
March 9, 2011
Families have one on one time with Legends. The eliminations are announced and the return of Loser Legends.
Episode 21
21. Episode 21
March 5, 2011
Trainer reveal: Challenge and weight advantage. The two losing families nominate someone to face elimination.
Episode 20
20. Episode 20
March 4, 2011
Contest Decision announced: winning family nominates 1 family to pass 1 kg weight penalty. Introducing the mud challenge.
Episode 19
19. Episode 19
March 3, 2011
Westrens select: Rebecca, Nathaniel, Lara and Emma to be the Champions of the Contest. The challenge has three rounds in strength, knowledge and endurance.
Episode 18
18. Episode 18
March 2, 2011
Duncans re-group as a family of two. The Temptation challenge features chocolate buttons: The winner gets immunity and a home visit.
Episode 17
17. Episode 17
February 28, 2011
Damien chats to Nathaniel about him getting angry at the challenge. Losing families nominate a family member up for elimination.
Episode 16
16. Episode 16
February 25, 2011
Decision which eliminated contestant they want back. The Pre challenge Training takes its toll.
Episode 15
15. Episode 15
February 24, 2011
Leigh and Shannan nutrition chat. Contest Intro: Super Contest Power is revealed. The winning team will get to bring back an eliminated contestant.
Episode 14
14. Episode 14
February 23, 2011
The Blue and White teams attack the Challenor's for putting Damien up for Elimination. Joe storms off saying he'll leave the show. Michelle takes the red team up to the picnic ground for a surprise.
Episode 13
13. Episode 13
February 20, 2011
Duncans receive reward and read letters from home. The two winning families speculate who will be up for elimination.
Episode 12
12. Episode 12
February 18, 2011
Red Team discuss Penalty with Michelle in the Lounge Room. Pre Challenge Training commences. Commando puts a bike outside the Moons families room and makes them peddle it till after the weigh in.
Episode 11
11. Episode 11
February 17, 2011
Lara takes out the challenge holding 80 Kg's of weight. The Westren's are rewarded by giving a penalty to one other team. they choose the Challenors, who must babysit a 5kg Medicine ball until the next weigh-in.
Episode 10
10. Episode 10
February 16, 2011
Duncans chat in room about the last elimination. Elimination and temptation challenges and family immunity reveal.
Episode 9
9. Episode 9
February 13, 2011
Reds chat about who they should put up if they fall under. The black girls and Commando are feeling hopeful about the weigh in. White team eat their last Chinese Meal and talk game play
Episode 8
8. Episode 8
February 11, 2011
Challenors win the power to take access to gyms off one family and they are only able to eat Chinese Takeaway. The challenge is the Stadium Stair Climb
Episode 7
7. Episode 7
February 10, 2011
Leigh has to make his decision: take the money or stay. The strength contest begins.
Episode 6
6. Episode 6
February 9, 2011
Contestants wake to find a note: head outside a trail awaits, at the end it will determine your fate. The Temptation challenge awaits. The Duncans rat out the Challenors saying they wanted to get rid of Greg.
Episode 5
5. Episode 5
February 6, 2011
The Westrens cross the finish line with just three members: Lara, Leigh and Sharlene. The Duncans discuss who they think will be up for elimination as two families fall below the line.
Episode 4
4. Episode 4
February 4, 2011
The teams compete in the endurance challenge: a 10km race in three stages. The Westren family have a breakdown and Sharlene threatens to leave
Episode 3
3. Episode 3
February 3, 2011
An early morning wake-up from Trainers leads into the first real training Session.
Episode 2
2. Episode 2
February 2, 2011
Sharlene and Shannan have an important chat on the Balcony. The teams experience first-night nerves.
Episode 1
1. Episode 1
January 30, 2011
Hayley tells trainers the contestants are at home and they are going to live with them. Trainers drop bombshell that the family will be weighing in, in front of their family and friends.
  • Premiere Date
    February 13, 2006
  • IMDB Rating
    5.2  (284)