The Bear is an American comedy-drama streaming television series created by Christopher Storer. It premiered on FX on Hulu in June 2022 and consists of 8 episodes in its first season. The show centers around Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto, played by Jeremy Allen White, a young fine dining chef who returns home to Chicago to run his family's Italian beef sandwich shop after a death in the family. He aims to transform the failing neighborhood joint into a respectable restaurant despite pushback.
After years leading prestigious kitchens, Carmen struggles with the lack of trained staff, messy underutilized space, unkempt equipment, and reliance on greasy traditional sandwiches at The Original Beef of Chicagoland. He implements new systems, techniques, and menu items against the wishes of longtime employees like his brother Sugar, played by Ebon Moss-Bachrach.
Kitchen staff featuring Marcus, played by Lionel Boyce, and Sydney, played by Ayo Edebiri, resist Carmy's militant style. Tina, played by Liza Col
The Bear (2022) is a series that ran for 3 seasons (28 episodes) between June 23, 2022 and on Hulu
CastJeremy Allen WhiteAyo EdebiriLiza Colón-Zayas
Premiere DateJune 23, 2022
IMDB Rating8.5 (256,178)
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