The Bachelor - New Zealand Season 2 Episode 3

Ep 3. Episode 3

  • March 14, 2016

As the competition heats up on The Bachelor New Zealand, the ladies are getting to know each other better and the stakes are higher than ever. In episode 3, the Bachelor takes the remaining women on an exciting group date to a beautiful local vineyard, where they all get to sample delicious wines and enjoy a relaxing afternoon under the sun.

But the romance quickly turns bittersweet when one of the contestants has a bit too much to drink and starts to clash with some of the other ladies, leading to some tense drama and hurt feelings. Will the Bachelor be able to smooth things over and keep everyone happy, or will this incident lead to even more tension in the house?

Meanwhile, back at the Bachelor mansion, the women who didn't get chosen for the group date are left to fend for themselves and try to make a connection with the Bachelor in their own way. Some contestants decide to explore the beautiful local scenery, while others opt to spend some quality one-on-one time with the group's resident dog, who has quickly become a fan favorite among viewers.

As the night wears on, the Bachelor faces some tough decisions about which women to keep around and which to send home. Some contestants are feeling more confident than ever, while others are starting to doubt their connection with the Bachelor and worry about their future in the competition. In the end, one unlucky contestant will be sent home, while the rest will continue to vie for the Bachelor's heart and make their case for why they should be the one to end up with him at the end of the journey.

Overall, episode 3 of The Bachelor New Zealand promises to be filled with excitement, romance, and plenty of drama as the competition heats up and the women fight to stay in the game. Whether you're rooting for your favorite contestant or just tuning in to see how the Bachelor's journey unfolds, this episode is sure to be a must-watch for fans of the hit dating show.

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  • First Aired
    March 14, 2016
  • Language
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