The Apprentice Season 2 Episode 2
The Apprentice
Season 2

Ep 2. Scoop Dreams

  • September 16, 2004

In The Apprentice season 2 episode 2, titled "Scoop Dreams," the aspiring entrepreneurs are split into two teams to create and sell their own unique ice cream flavor. They are given a limited budget to purchase ingredients and must design the packaging and branding for their product.

The team that sells the most ice cream will win the task and avoid the dreaded boardroom meeting with the show's host and business magnate, Lord Alan Sugar. The losing team will have to face Sugar's scrutiny and one member will be fired from the competition.

The episode begins with the teams brainstorming their ice cream flavor ideas. One team decides to go for a classic flavor, while the other takes a more adventurous route with some unusual ingredient combinations. They head out to purchase their ingredients and begin to prepare their ice cream.

As the teams work on their products, tensions rise within each group. Some members clash over creative differences, while others struggle to keep up with the production schedule. Despite these challenges, both teams manage to create their ice cream flavors and design their packaging.

The teams hit the streets to sell their ice cream, facing off against each other in a battle for sales. They try different marketing strategies, such as offering free samples and creating eye-catching displays, to entice customers.

As the day comes to a close, the teams gather to tally up their sales and find out who has won the task. The wining team celebrates while the losing team faces Sugar in the boardroom.

In the boardroom, Sugar grills the losing team on their strategy and sales tactics. He asks each member to explain their role in the task and points out where they went wrong. Eventually, the losing team must choose one member to be fired from the competition.

The episode ends with the fired contestant leaving the boardroom, their dreams of becoming Sugar's apprentice dashed. The remaining contestants move on to the next task, eager to prove themselves in the competitive world of business.

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  • First Aired
    September 16, 2004
  • Language