Watch The Adventures of the Young Marco Polo
- 2013
- 2 Seasons
The Adventures of the Young Marco Polo is an animated television show produced by the BBC that follows the adventures of a young Marco Polo and his companions as they travel through Asia in search of his father. The show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant who traveled extensively throughout Asia and was one of the first Europeans to visit China.
The show begins with Marco Polo, his best friend Luigi, and a young girl named Shi La, embarking on a journey to find Marco's father who has gone missing while exploring the Silk Road. Along the way, they encounter a variety of different characters, including bandits, traders, and monks, as well as facing numerous challenges and obstacles that test their friendship and bravery.
One of the highlights of the show is the attention to historical detail and accuracy. The characters encounter real-life figures such as Kublai Khan and encounter real-life events such as battles and political disputes. This helps to give the show an educational component, as viewers are able to learn about the history of the Silk Road and the cultural and political landscape of 13th century Asia.
Another strength of the show is the portrayal of the main characters. Marco Polo is depicted as a curious and compassionate young man who is determined to find his father and make his mark on the world. Luigi is a loyal and plucky sidekick who provides comic relief and helps to lighten the mood during tense moments. Shi La is a strong and independent girl who serves as a role model for young girls watching the show.
The animation style used in the show is also noteworthy. It features a mix of traditional hand-drawn animation and computer-generated imagery, giving it a unique look and feel. The landscapes and environments are beautifully rendered, with lush forests, towering mountains, and elaborate cities all depicted in intricate detail.
Overall, The Adventures of the Young Marco Polo is a fun and educational show that is perfect for kids and adults alike. It combines adventure, history, and humor in a way that is engaging and entertaining. Whether you are a fan of historical dramas or simply looking for a fun and exciting show to watch with your family, The Adventures of the Young Marco Polo is definitely worth checking out.
The Adventures of the Young Marco Polo is a series that ran for 2 seasons (52 episodes) between September 16, 2013 and on BBC