The Adventures of the Little Prince is a classic animated television series that was produced by CoCoRo in 1978. This show follows the adventures of a young prince who travels to different planets in search of knowledge and learning. Along the way, he meets interesting characters and learns valuable lessons that help him to grow and mature as a person.
One of the standout features of this show is its beautiful animation style. The vivid colors and detailed backgrounds create a vivid and immersive world that draws viewers in. The character designs are also incredibly well done, with each character having a distinct personality and look. The combination of great animation and engaging characters makes this show a joy to watch.
Another key aspect of The Adventures of the Little Prince is its strong storytelling. Each episode features a self-contained story that teaches a valuable lesson. These lessons cover a wide range of topics, from the importance of honesty to the dangers of greed. The show did a great job at teaching these lessons in a way that was accessible to children while still being entertaining for adults.
The show was also notable for its excellent voice acting. The main character, the Little Prince, was voiced by Walker Edmiston, who brought a sense of warmth and kindness to the role. The character of the Fox was voiced by Christa Haussler, who brought a playful energy to the part. The rest of the voice cast was also strong, with each actor bringing their own unique flair to their characters.
Overall, The Adventures of the Little Prince is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. Its beautiful animation, engaging characters, and strong storytelling make it a must-watch for fans of animation and children's programming alike. If you have not seen this show yet, you are missing out on a true gem of television history.
CastWalker EdmistonChrista Haussler
Premiere DateMay 5, 1979
IMDB Rating7.1 (264)
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