Watch The Adventures of Kim Jong Un
- 1969
- 1 Season
The Adventures of Kim Jong Un is a satirical animated web series produced by CollegeHumor, starring Caldwell Tanner and Mike Trapp. The show parodies the controversial North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, and his daily life in a hilarious and absurd way. The show follows the adventures of Kim Jong Un, who appears as a childish and clueless character, as he navigates his way through various situations. Whether it's trying to find a new friend, dealing with family drama, or trying to impress his crush, Kim Jong Un always manages to find himself in quirky and unpredictable situations.
Each episode is presented in a short format, with a typical runtime of around 5 minutes. The animation is simple yet effective, with bright and colorful visuals that help bring the absurd situations to life. The humor is mostly centered around over-the-top situations and clever wordplay, although there are also plenty of visual gags and pop culture references that add to the overall hilarity.
One of the standout aspects of The Adventures of Kim Jong Un is the voice acting, which is top-notch. Caldwell Tanner and Mike Trapp are both incredibly talented comedians, and their performances bring a lot of energy and charm to the show. Tanner voices Kim Jong Un, while Trapp takes on various roles as other characters in the series.
Despite being a comedy, the show also has some interesting commentary on the political climate of North Korea. While the jokes are lighthearted and silly, they often poke fun at the regime's oppressive nature and the cult of personality that surrounds Kim Jong Un. This adds a layer of depth to the show that elevates it beyond just pure comedy.
Overall, The Adventures of Kim Jong Un is a hilarious and entertaining web series that is sure to tickle the funny bone of anyone who enjoys clever satire and absurd humor. With its catchy theme song, colorful animation, and memorable characters, this show is a must-watch for anyone looking for a good laugh.