Ep 2. The Psychology and Neuroscience of Reward
- March 6, 2015
- 30 min
The Addictive Brain is a compelling TV documentary series that explores the intricate workings of the human brain and how it develops various addiction patterns. In season 1 episode 2, entitled "The Psychology and Neuroscience of Reward," the focus is on the complex mechanisms that govern our brain's reward and pleasure circuits, and the role they play in addiction.
The episode's primary objective is to offer insight into how the brain assigns value and motivation to different cues, actions, and experiences. Through expert interviews and cutting-edge research, the show delves into the underlying chemical and neural processes involved in reward seeking behavior.
The introductory scene of the episode shows a young woman's account of her first experience with drugs and how it led her down the path of addiction. Her story sets the context for the rest of the episode, which is to explore why certain experiences induce such intense feelings of pleasure and why some individuals are more susceptible to addiction than others.
The episode features a range of expert interviews from neuroscientists, psychologists, and addiction specialists, each shedding light on the science behind reward-based learning. They explore how the brain seeks pleasure and how this process is impacted by genetics, environmental cues, and social factors.
Additionally, the episode showcases several real-life scenarios that demonstrate how rewarding experiences can trigger addiction and hedonic set points. One such scenario is a case study of a gambling addict, who shares her struggles with addiction and explains how the desire for reward overrides rational thought.
The show also explores the brain's response to other non-chemical satisfactions, such as food, sex, and exercise. Here again, the focus is on the complex network of reward pathways in the brain and how they become activated under certain conditions.
Throughout the episode, viewers get an in-depth understanding of the brain's mesolimbic dopamine system, which plays a key role in reward-based learning and addiction. The science behind the neurotransmitter dopamine is explained, and its influence on the brain's reward system is explored in detail.
At the same time, the episode highlights the complexity of addiction as a human behavior, including the psychological and sociological factors that can impact addiction initiation and treatment. The show addresses how reward-seeking behavior can become compulsive, leading to a breakdown in an individual's ability to control their impulses.
Overall, The Addictive Brain season 1 episode 2 provides an in-depth exploration of the psychology and neuroscience of reward. By examining the intricacies of the brain's reward system, viewers gain an appreciation for the many factors that underpin addiction and how we might better understand and treat them. This episode highlights the importance of studying addiction as a neurological disorder and offers a sense of hope that we can develop better treatments and interventions for those battling addiction.