
Watch Teekyu

  • TV-14
  • 2012
  • 9 Seasons
  • 6.1  (117)

Teekyu is a sports comedy anime that revolves around the daily lives of four energetic and quirky tennis club members. The show is produced by Earth Star Entertainment and aired from 2012 to 2017, spanning nine seasons and over 100 episodes. Each episode of Teekyu is a fast-paced and chaotic blend of comedy, satire, and sports. The story follows the antics of four high school girls - namely Kanae Shinjo, Marimo Bando, Yuri Oshimoto, and Nasuno Takamiya - who are members of the school's tennis club. Despite their love for tennis, the girls seem to be more interested in indulging in their own eccentricities and making their opponents' lives miserable.

Teekyu is a perfect example of a "gag anime" where every joke is a punchline and the story is secondary. The characters are prone to outrageous behavior, bizarre dialogues, and surreal exchanges that are often hilarious. For instance, Kanae Shinjo is a hyperactive girl who speaks at lightning speed, while Marimo Bando has a fondness for cosplaying as various animals during matches. Yuri Oshimoto is the resident sadist who loves to play dirty, and Nasuno Takamiya is the wealthy heiress who uses her fortune to her advantage.

Other regular characters in the show include the school's principal who is obsessed with a retired tennis player, Nasuno's loyal butler, and the other tennis club members who are regularly annoyed by the four main girls' shenanigans.

Since every episode of Teekyu is only two minutes long, there is no overarching plot. Instead, each episode is a standalone story that usually involves the girls playing tennis in one way or another. The tennis matches depicted in the show are often exaggerated and unrealistic, with advanced techniques such as "backspin smashes" and "death serves" thrown in for good measure.

While the tennis aspect of the show is mostly played for laughs, it is evident that the staff behind the show has a love for the sport. There are references to real-life tennis events, equipment, and even players throughout the series. Additionally, the animation style often uses dynamic camera angles and quick cuts to make the matches seem more lively and intense.

However, Teekyu is not for everyone as its brand of humor may not appeal to everyone. The show is heavily reliant on randomness, absurdity, and rapid-fire dialogue that can be difficult to keep up with. Additionally, the characters' personalities often verge on over-the-top, making them hard to relate to or empathize with.

On the other hand, the show's breakneck pacing and unapologetic zaniness can be incredibly entertaining for those who enjoy slapstick humor and anime that doesn't take itself too seriously. The short episode length also makes it easy to pick up and watch in small doses, which makes it a great option for a quick laugh during a break or on a commute.

Overall, Teekyu is a spirited sports anime that prioritizes comedy over plot or character development. Its anime style, humor, and pacing make it an enjoyable show for those looking for something lighthearted and silly. Whether you love tennis or not, Teekyu is worth checking out if you're in the mood for a good laugh.

Teekyu is a series that ran for 9 seasons (108 episodes) between October 14, 2012 and on Earth Star Entertainment

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Pitch Perfect with Senpai
99. Pitch Perfect with Senpai
July 26, 2017
Kanae suddenly announces that the tennis club is going to be an idol group! Tennis club first-year Oshimoto Yuri is about to respond with a witty remark, but for some reason she's stopped by another member. The curtains have risen on the most brutal day of Yuri's life...
Home Alone with Senpai
98. Home Alone with Senpai
July 19, 2017
The birthday of the Kameido High School Tennis Club's rich girl Takamiya Nasuno is coming up! Shinjo Kanae and the rest of the tennis club head to Nasuno's house, each bringing their own surprise. Who will be able to surprise Nasuno the most?!
Species with Senpai
97. Species with Senpai
July 12, 2017
Alien Tomarin looks like a little girl, but she's from outer space. In this episode we get a closer look at her life shrouded in mystery. After eating breakfast with Marimo, who she lives with, where will she head next...?!
300 with Senpai
100. 300 with Senpai
August 2, 2017
Thanks to the love of our viewers, "Tekyu" has finally reached its 100th episode!! We'll be announce the results of the character popularity poll! Who will have the honor of being #1?! Don't miss the 100th episode featuring the entire cast!
101 Dalmatians with Senpai
101. 101 Dalmatians with Senpai
August 9, 2017
Yuri and Tomarin accompany the newspaper club's Kondo Udonko as she gathers information for an article. There are apparently no decent clubs at Kameido High School, with the tennis club at the top of the list, and naturally, the girls must cover the tennis club as well. Kanae and the others don't waste this opportunity! The tennis club's introduction hell has begun!!
Summer in Andalusia with Senpai
102. Summer in Andalusia with Senpai
August 16, 2017
The tennis club goes cycling together. Nasuno rides up on a rather unusual bicycle, and Marimo shows up on that might be pretty difficult to ride. And Kanae... is that even a bicycle?! Once the four of them begin riding, it's questionable whether the path they're taking is suitable for cycling at all...
Sadako VS Kayako with Senpai
103. Sadako VS Kayako with Senpai
August 23, 2017
One of the Takamiya family's homes has become haunted! Nasuno, the dolls Natalia and Kazuko haunting her, and her mother go to check it out. There they find a house that has become fully haunted! Will Nasuno make it home safe and sound?!
Chef with Senpai
104. Chef with Senpai
August 30, 2017
Alien girl Tomarin lives at Marimo's house. When Tomarin asks Marimo if she'd rather have dinner or her first, naturally she chooses Tomarin... *cough cough*. Will Marimo enjoy the meal Tomarin so painstakingly made?
Deadpool with Senpai
105. Deadpool with Senpai
September 6, 2017
Upon hearing voices behind her, Yuri turns around to find there's something wrong with Kanae and Marimo's dimensions. It seems to be an illusion. This episode features such illusions. For the next three minutes, you'll experience strange sensations... probably.
Battles Without Honor and Humanity with Senpai
106. Battles Without Honor and Humanity with Senpai
September 13, 2017
Whistle, whistle. As festival music sounds in the background, the members of the tennis club change into shrine maiden outfits and help out at the shrine's festival! The four of them help out in earnest. Kanae uses her ability to operate heavy machinery she learned in a past life to put together the stage! Wait, this isn't a traditional music festival! It's a music festival!
Dr. Dolittle with Senpai
107. Dr. Dolittle with Senpai
September 20, 2017
Welcome to the Kameido Zoo! However, the zoo the tennis club has arrived at is awfully quiet, and the exhibits are divided into animal and raw categories, making it a hardly satisfying experience. The zoo curator who holds the key to the situation explains to the girls what's going on...
The Sound of Music With Senpai
108. The Sound of Music With Senpai
September 27, 2017
In this episode the girls have come to the Prakamiya Family (short for "property of the Takamiya Family") Botanical Garden. As you'd expect from a botanical garden owned by the Takamiya Family, it's filled with strange plants, the likes of which they've never seen, that offer plenty of opportunity for jokes. But this is the final episode, so they'll do their best to wrap things up neatly.
Where to Watch Teekyu
Teekyu is available for streaming on the Earth Star Entertainment website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Teekyu on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    October 14, 2012
  • IMDB Rating
    6.1  (117)