Taking on Tyson was a reality documentary television show that premiered on Animal Planet in 2011. The show featured the famous retired heavyweight champion boxer Mike Tyson, who is well known for his impressive boxing career, his unique personality and extensive knowledge of the sport. The show offered viewers a glimpse into the world of competitive pigeon racing, an unusual sport that Tyson had been practicing for over 20 years of his life.
The show was set in New York City, where Tyson had grown up and raised pigeons as a young boy. The premise of the show was to follow Tyson as he trained and prepared his flock of racing pigeons for competition in the big leagues. Tyson's love for pigeons was evident in the show, and he spared no expense when it came to making sure his birds were in top condition.
The series was filmed over several months and followed Tyson as he trained his flock of pigeons and competed against other elite pigeon racers. The show also featured interviews with other pigeon racers and experts in the sport, who offered insights into the world of competitive pigeon racing.
The stakes were high in the show as Tyson and his team of trainers and handlers prepared the pigeons for the biggest event of their racing season- the New York pigeon race. The race was a grueling 300 miles, and only the fastest pigeons would win. As the race approached, the pressure mounted, and viewers watched Tyson and his team pour their hearts and souls into preparing the birds for the competition.
Throughout the show, viewers got a firsthand look at the rigorous training regiment that Tyson's birds underwent. The birds were exercised daily to build their strength and endurance, fed a meticulously balanced diet, and given vitamins and supplements to keep them healthy. Tyson and his team also meticulously tracked the birds' performance, keeping detailed records of their speed and flight patterns.
The show was not just about pigeon racing; it was also about Tyson himself. Viewers got a glimpse into his life away from the ring and saw him in a new light as a devoted father, husband, and passionate pigeon enthusiast. The show gave viewers a chance to see a more vulnerable and tender side of the man who had been feared in the boxing ring and who had a controversial past.
Taking on Tyson was a unique and engaging show that resonated with audiences. It was a refreshing break from the typical reality TV shows, as it focused on a lesser-known sport and offered a unique perspective into Mike Tyson's life. The show was educational, offering a glimpse into the world of pigeon racing and highlighting the bond between humans and animals.
Overall, Taking on Tyson was a well-produced and entertaining show that had something for everyone. It was a heartwarming, engaging, and educational series that highlighted the often-overlooked world of pigeon racing and the deep affection that people like Mike Tyson have for these birds. Tyson's goal was to show the world how much he loved these birds and to share his passion for pigeon racing with others. The show undoubtedly achieved this goal, and viewers were left with a newfound appreciation for this often-overlooked sport.
Taking on Tyson is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (6 episodes). The series first aired on March 6, 2011.
Premiere DateMarch 6, 2011
IMDB Rating7.4 (97)
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