Tabata timer. Splits Stretches. Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. Tabata workout. Middle split for beginners.

  • July 31, 2018
  • 16 min

The show Tabata timer. Splits Stretches, season 1 episode 1 titled Tabata Workout introduces viewers to the power of Tabata training and how it can be used to perform stretches and splits. The first episode of the season focuses on the middle split for beginners.

The show features a highly experienced fitness instructor who demonstrates how to perform various stretches and exercises to help viewers achieve their fitness goals. The instructor introduces Tabata workouts as a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program that can burn more calories in less time, tone muscles, and improve cardiovascular health.

The episode begins with a warm-up session, where the instructor demonstrates a series of dynamic movements that help to prepare the body for the workout. Next, the instructor sets the timer for the Tabata workout, which is a 4-minute workout consisting of 8 rounds of 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest.

The instructor then leads viewers through four different Tabata exercises that aim to help with middle splits. These include the forward lunge, spiderman stretch, frog stretch, and straddle stretch. The instructor emphasizes on beginners’ level for the middle split, as it is a challenging pose to achieve. She guides viewers on how to achieve the perfect form during each exercise and how to make modifications to suit different levels of fitness.

Throughout the workout, the instructor provides tips on how to properly stretch and position the body to attain a middle split. She emphasizes on the importance of listening to the body and adjusting the stretches as needed to prevent pushing the limits too far.

The final segment of the episode is a cool-down session, which helps to bring heart rates down and gradually ease the body back to a state of relaxation. The instructor guides viewers through a series of static stretches aimed at reducing muscle soreness and improving flexibility.

Overall, the show Tabata timer. Splits Stretches, season 1 episode 1 is an excellent introduction to Tabata workouts and how they can be used to improve flexibility and achieve middle splits. The episode’s instructor is knowledgeable, inspiring, and provides clear and personalized instructions throughout the workout, making it a great resource for beginners looking to improve their fitness levels.

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  • First Aired
    July 31, 2018
  • Runtime
    16 min
  • Language