Sydney to the Max is a family-friendly sitcom that revolves around a single father, Max, and his daughter Sydney, who live in two different decades. Set in the present day and the 90s, this show explores the generation gap and the challenges of growing up in different eras.
In season 1 episode 6, titled "I Know What You Did Last Sleepover," Sydney and her best friend Olive plan a sleepover at her house, but Sydney is worried because her dad is going to be home. She's anxious that her dad will spoil all the fun, so the two girls try to come up with ways to keep him distracted.
Meanwhile, Max is excited to have a night in and watch his favorite movie while Sydney has her friends over. He's also excited to meet Olive's dad, who he's been chatting with online. However, things take a turn when Max gets too involved in the girls' sleepover and starts behaving like a teenager himself.
As the night progresses, secrets are revealed, and Sydney and Olive's friendship is put to the test. Sydney is forced to come clean about something she did while Olive was asleep, and she's overcome with guilt. Will Olive forgive her? And will Max finally realize he's not a kid anymore?
This episode is packed with fun and nostalgic references to the 90s, along with relatable moments that will make you laugh and cry. It explores themes of honesty, friendship, and growing up, all while showcasing the unique bond between a single dad and his daughter. Overall, "I Know What You Did Last Sleepover" is an enjoyable episode that both young and old audiences can appreciate.
CastRuth RighiAva KolkerJackson Dollinger
First AiredMarch 8, 2019
Content RatingTV-G
Runtime23 min
IMDB Rating8.5 (18)
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