Watch Superstars
- 2008
5.0 (13)
Superstars is a British television show that premiered in 2008 and stars Jim Rosenthal, Sharron Davies, and Phil Liggett. The show is a revival of the original BBC series that aired from 1973 to 1985, and follows a similar format where celebrities compete in various athletic events.
The show is divided into multiple episodes, with each episode featuring a different group of celebrities. Celebrities from all walks of life are featured, including actors, musicians, athletes, and reality TV stars. Some notable participants from the 2008 series include Fatima Whitbread, Amy Williams, and Christian Malcolm.
The competition itself is divided into several rounds, with each round featuring a different event. The events are a mix of traditional track and field events, as well as more unconventional competitions. Some events include swimming, cycling, sprinting, and weightlifting. There are also events that involve more skill-based challenges, such as darts and archery. Each event is scored based on the participants’ performance, with points awarded based on their finishing placement.
One of the unique aspects of Superstars is that the celebrities are not experts in any one particular event. Instead, they are expected to compete in a wide range of events, regardless of their individual strengths or weaknesses. This means that participants are often out of their comfort zones, which can lead to unexpected results and dramatic moments.
The show also features commentary from Jim Rosenthal, Sharron Davies, and Phil Liggett. Rosenthal serves as the host of the show, providing commentary between events and conducting post-event interviews with the celebrities. Davies and Liggett serve as the show’s analysts, providing expert commentary on the athletic events and weighing in on the participants’ performances.
Overall, Superstars is a fun and entertaining show that provides a unique spin on traditional athletic competitions. By featuring celebrities from all walks of life, the show offers a glimpse into the athletic abilities of people who are not typically thought of as athletes. With a mix of traditional and unconventional events, there is something for everyone on Superstars.
Superstars is a series that ran for 2013 seasons (53 episodes) between May 2, 2008 and on Janson Media