Watch Supersized Earth
- 1969
8.5 (197)
Supersized Earth is a BBC Worldwide production that premiered in 2012. The show is hosted by Dallas Campbell, a renowned science presenter, and Rachel Atherton, a champion mountain biker. The series explores the world's most unique geologic environments and the extraordinary creatures that inhabit them. The show takes the audience on an epic journey around the world to witness the power of nature on a massive scale.
Each episode of Supersized Earth takes viewers to a different location, examining the ways in which natural processes have created the extreme landscapes and incredible habitats that exist today. The show offers breathtaking aerial views of many of these geological wonders, giving the audience a rare chance to appreciate the sheer scale of the natural wonders on our planet.
Dallas and Rachel also introduce viewers to the people who live in these extreme conditions and the challenges they face every day. For instance, in one episode, they travel to the Siberian Taiga forest, where temperatures can drop as low as -50°C, and where locals must work hard to survive in such harsh conditions. Similarly, in another episode, they show the struggle faced by the indigenous people of Australia, who are trying to protect their land from the devastating effects of a changing climate.
Through the use of advanced technology such as 3D graphics, Supersized Earth provides incredible insights into how the earth's geology has evolved over millions of years, and how it is still evolving today. The show features scientific experts who help to explain the geological processes responsible for some of the world's most unusual and awe-inspiring landscapes.
One of the key themes throughout the show is the interconnectivity of different ecosystems around the world. For example, one episode focuses on the Yangtze River in China and the incredible diversity of species that depend on it for survival. However, the show also reveals how land use changes in one part of the world can have significant effects in other ecosystems around the globe.
Another aspect that distinguishes Supersized Earth from other similar nature shows is its focus on extreme sports. Rachel Atherton demonstrates her impressive mountain biking skills in different locations around the world, such as the rocky terrain of Moab, Utah, and the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. Her segments provide a thrilling contrast to the show's scientific examinations of geological phenomena.
In conclusion, Supersized Earth is a visually stunning and informative nature documentary series that offers a unique perspective on the planet we live on. With its captivating hosts, breathtaking aerial footage, and impressive scientific insights, the show is sure to fascinate anyone interested in the natural world.