Ep 32. Get Your License Re-noobed!
- January 1, 1970
The episode titled "Get Your License Re-noobed!" is the 32nd episode of the second season of the animated television series Supernoobs. The show follows four middle school friends, Tyler, Kevin, Shope, and Roach, who acquire alien powers from a battle ball that crash-lands on Earth, granting them the ability to fight against an alien race known as the Virus.
In this episode, the Noobs face a new challenge as they attempt to renew their licenses to use their battle balls. The group finds out that their license has expired, and in order to renew it, they must pass a series of tests. However, the sign-up list is already full, the only option left is to take the test designed for the elite. Kevin, Tyler, and Roach enroll in the elite test while Shope opts for the easier test, hoping to avoid any trouble.
The elite test is challenging and involves a series of tasks that test their battle ball skills and physical fitness. Kevin and Tyler pass the first test with ease, while Roach struggles to keep up. However, as the tests progress, Tyler and Kevin also find themselves struggling to complete the tasks. Eventually, they realize that the competition is rigged in favor of the elite students, and they decide to fight back.
Meanwhile, Shope also faces a unique challenge in the easier test. She has to compete against a group of nerdy students who are equally skilled at the battle ball. They underestimate Shope because of her easy-going nature, but she surprises them with her skills and manages to pass the test with flying colors.
In the end, Tyler, Kevin, and Roach confront the elites and expose their scheme to rig the competition. They appeal to the judges and demand a fair test, and in the final task, they manage to outperform the elite students. They pass the test and renew their licenses with pride.
"Get Your License Re-noobed!" is an exciting episode that explores themes of friendship, fairness, and determination. It offers viewers an insightful look into the challenges and triumphs that come with being a Supernoob. The characters show bravery and determination in the face of adversity, and their teamwork ultimately helps them overcome the odds. Fans of the show will enjoy watching their favorite characters rise to the occasion and prove their worth once again.