Watch Super Robot Wars: Original Generation - The Animation
- TV-14
- 2005
- 1 Season
Super Robot Wars: Original Generation - The Animation is a mecha anime television series based on the video game franchise of the same name. Originally aired in Japan from 2002 to 2005, the show was animated by the renowned studio, OLM, and directed by Masami Åbari.
The story of Super Robot Wars: Original Generation follows a group of pilots who are brought together in order to save the world from an alien invasion. As they battle their enemies, they also have to confront a number of deep-seated personal issues that stand in the way of their success.
The show features a diverse cast of characters, with most of them being original creations for the Super Robot Wars franchise. They are all skilled pilots who operate giant robots known as âPersonal Troopers,â each with unique abilities and weapons. These mechs can combine with other Personal Troopers to form even more powerful machines, leading to epic battles with the invading army.
One of the key themes of Super Robot Wars: Original Generation is the personal growth of its characters. Many of them come from difficult backgrounds, and their experiences inform their current outlook on life. The show explores these issues in depth, often using flashbacks to provide context for specific events in their pasts.
The character development is aided by strong voice acting performances, as well as detailed and expressive character designs. The mecha themselves are also beautifully rendered, with each one sporting distinctive colors and designs.
The seriesâ writing is another strong point, with engaging and often complex storylines that keep viewers on their toes. The show is not afraid to take risks with its plot, and it is not uncommon for characters to experience serious setbacks or even die as a result of their actions.
Fans of mecha anime will not be disappointed by the action sequences in Super Robot Wars: Original Generation. The battles are intense and well choreographed, with a lot of attention paid to the movement and abilities of each mech. There are also numerous team-ups and mech combinations, which provide satisfying resolution to some of the showâs biggest conflicts.
One of the most impressive aspects of the series is its music. The show features a number of memorable vocal tracks, as well as epic instrumental pieces that perfectly complement the action on screen. The opening and closing themes are particularly catchy, with singers JAM Project providing an energetic and powerful introduction to each episode.
Overall, Super Robot Wars: Original Generation - The Animation is a must-see for fans of mecha anime. With its engaging characters, complex storylines, and intense action sequences, it provides a thrilling viewing experience from start to finish. Even those who are not familiar with the video game franchise will find plenty to enjoy in this anime adaptation.
Super Robot Wars: Original Generation - The Animation is a series that ran for 1 seasons (3 episodes) between May 27, 2005 and on