Watch Straight Title Robot Anime
- 2012
- 1 Season
Straight Title Robot Anime is a Japanese mecha anime series created by Koujirou Nakamura and produced by Sunrise. The show aired in Japan from July 6, 2012 to September 28, 2012 and was later distributed worldwide by Crunchyroll. The show follows the story of a boy named Kouta, who dreams of becoming a great mecha pilot. He lives in a world where mechas are a common sight and are used for various purposes. Kouta's dream seems to be far-fetched since he comes from a poor family and doesn't have enough resources to pursue his dream.
However, Kouta's life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a mysterious girl named Yura. Yura is a mecha pilot and is the only member of an organization called the "Garage Kids." The Garage Kids are a group of mecha pilots who are tasked with defending the world from an evil organization known as the "Reptilian Army."
Yura recruits Kouta to join the Garage Kids and fight against the Reptilian Army. Kouta is hesitant at first, but his passion for mecha piloting eventually wins him over. He joins Yura and the rest of the Garage Kids on their mission to save the world from the Reptilian Army.
The show is filled with intense mecha battles and features a variety of mecha designs. Each of the Garage Kids pilots a unique mecha, and the show explores the different abilities and strengths of each mecha. The mecha battles are well-choreographed and are a treat for fans of the genre.
The show also has a strong focus on relationships and character development. Kouta and Yura's relationship is at the forefront of the show, and their interactions are both sweet and heartwarming. The other members of the Garage Kids also have their own unique personalities and backgrounds, and the show explores their relationships with each other.
One of the standout aspects of the show is its humor. Despite the serious nature of the show's plot, it has a light-hearted tone that is sure to make viewers laugh. The show's humor is often self-aware, and it pokes fun at some of the genre's common tropes.
The show's art style is colorful and vibrant, with a unique character design for each of the Garage Kids and a variety of mecha designs. The animation is smooth and well-done, especially during the mecha battles. The show's soundtrack is also well-crafted, with an upbeat and catchy opening theme that is sure to get viewers pumped up for the show.
Overall, Straight Title Robot Anime is a fun and engaging mecha anime that is sure to please fans of the genre. It has a strong focus on relationships and character development, which sets it apart from other mecha shows. With its well-choreographed mecha battles, unique mecha designs, and humorous tone, it is a show that is sure to entertain viewers from start to finish.
Straight Title Robot Anime is a series that ran for 1 seasons (12 episodes) between December 30, 2012 and on Crunchyroll