Stories of the Prophets Era

Watch Stories of the Prophets Era

  • 2016
  • 1 Season

Stories of the Prophets Era is a series produced by Alchemiya, a streaming service that offers high-quality content related to Muslim culture and lifestyle. As the name suggests, the show revolves around the stories of the prophets from the era of Adam to the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The series comprises a total of 30 episodes and aims to educate viewers about the lives, struggles, and achievements of these great messengers of God.

Each episode of Stories of the Prophets Era is dedicated to a specific prophet and their story is told in detail. The series begins with the story of Adam, the first man created by God, and continues with the tales of other prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and many more. The episodes are arranged in chronological order to give viewers a sense of the historical timeline of these events and how they connect to each other.

One of the best things about the show is the way it brings these stories to life. The narrators use a mix of animation, live-action, and illustrations to create an engaging visual experience for viewers. The animation especially is top-notch, with vivid colors and intricate details capturing the essence of each story. This makes it easy for viewers to immerse themselves in the stories and feel like they are a part of the world being described.

Another strength of the show is the way it presents the prophets as relatable human beings rather than deities. While they are revered figures in Islam, Stories of the Prophets Era shows them as individuals who faced the same challenges and emotions as anyone else. For example, the series portrays Adam and Eve's experience in the Garden of Eden as a cautionary tale of disobedience and temptation, rather than a moralistic fable. Similarly, the story of Jonah is presented as an example of humility and repentance, rather than a dramatic tale of a man being swallowed by a whale.

In addition to storytelling, the show also provides viewers with historical context and background information about each prophet's time and place. For example, the story of Abraham is set in ancient Mesopotamia and viewers get a glimpse of what life was like during that time. This helps to enrich the viewing experience and makes the stories more meaningful and relevant to a contemporary audience.

Overall, Stories of the Prophets Era is an excellent series for anyone interested in Islamic history and culture. It provides a comprehensive overview of the prophets and their lives, while also conveying important moral and ethical lessons. The show's high-quality production, engaging animation, and informative narration make it a must-watch for anyone who wants to learn more about this vital part of Islamic tradition.

Stories of the Prophets Era is a series that ran for 1 seasons (30 episodes) between January 1, 2016 and on Alchemiya

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Faith (Part 2)
30. Faith (Part 2)
January 1, 1970
The boy was taken to a mountain top and was told to either forsake his faith or leap off it, however God saved him, and saved him once more from a trail at sea that the king placed him in. The king frustrated decided to send the child to the fires to end his spreading of religion. However, God allowed them to endure as their faith was true to him.
Faith (Part 1)
29. Faith (Part 1)
January 1, 2016
A boy who holds on with patience and persistence leads to his faith spreading to his entire village. The king of his village appointed him as a servant to the court wizard, who the child did not like. He met a monk from whom he learned the ways of his faith and escaped the wizard. The boy would use his faith to proceed and heal those who are ill and banish evil beasts that harmed his town.
The Barrier of Ingratitude by the Grace of God
28. The Barrier of Ingratitude by the Grace of God
January 1, 2016
A kingdom finds itself in a state of great prosperity, yet instead of the people being grateful and praising God for the blessings they received, they show ingratitude towards their circumstances. This leads to all what they had obtained being stripped from them, as he holds dear those who are thankful.
Wisdom (Part 2)
27. Wisdom (Part 2)
January 1, 1970
The judge proceeds to explain to the men the meaning of the things they encountered throughout their journey, and they come to realize that their father had carefully laid out their inheritance in their best interests. Showing that wisdom outweighed their base impulse and perception. They asked God for forgiveness and realized the importance of wisdom in living out one
Wisdom (Part 1)
26. Wisdom (Part 1)
January 1, 2016
A chieftain who had four children gave his children work and prepared them the best he could to survive. He left them each a box with certain items before his death sought to ensure their wellbeing. After his passing, they see what was left to them and head off to a judge to sort out their inheritances. They encounter many situations along the way that define their character traits.
Trust in God
25. Trust in God
January 1, 2016
God being a witness to our behavior in life is an important value to uphold. One man takes a a loan from another and swore an oath as God as his witness, and they both agreed upon these terms. When the time to repay his debt came along, the man struggled to find a means of getting back to his debtor, and trusted in God that the money would find its way as he casted it into the ocean.
Relying on God
24. Relying on God
January 1, 2016
Relying on God is and having faith in God and delegating matters to him is an important belief. Hatem the deaf man had many children and did not have a single seed to grow yet he sought to attend the pilgrimage despite his circumstances. He does so by relying on God, and God not only takes care of him, but his family as well.
Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil
23. Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil
January 1, 2016
A hadith gives a great example in which the Prophet described the condition of a people and their opinion on the vices of society as passengers on a ship who cannot agree on who will inhabit the upper or lower deck and how decisions of one set of people have consequences for everyone. This episode stresses the importance of giving good counsel and avoiding the bad.
22. Endowment
January 1, 2016
A hadith is told of a man who would donate a third of his crops to the poor from his flourishing garden, and even through the drought, he was blessed while others suffered. He was blessed because of his charitable actions and good deeds. This episode discusses the importance of giving, whether it be through tangible means, or moral support.
Manners Regarding God
21. Manners Regarding God
January 1, 2016
This episode discusses two men who were striving for the same goal, one was a sinner and the other tried to live properly. The proper man claimed that God will not forgive the sinner, perceiving God's will a negative light, earning him a place in hell while the sinner was redeemed and went to paradise.
The Rights of Way
20. The Rights of Way
January 1, 2016
This episode discusses the rights of way, and the importance of manners, love, and understanding that must be present in a society to function harmoniously and properly.
Caring for Parents
19. Caring for Parents
January 1, 2016
Juraij was a devout worshipper who left his trade and duties to commit fully to worshipping God and was perpetually in a state of prayer. His mother would plead to him to answer her but he continued with his prayers by ignoring her calls to the detriment of his faith. This story shows the importance of caring for one's parents.
Honest Living
18. Honest Living
January 1, 2016
This episode addresses the importance of hard work and earning an honest living. As a father tells his children the importance of running their businesses in an honorable way, ensuring everyone receives their just dues, and to not belittle any form of work, as hard work and benefiting from it preserves ones dignity and allows them to not rely on anyone else but God.
17. Honesty
January 1, 2016
This episode discusses the importance of honesty and sincerity. It tells the story of a man who had purchased land from another, only to find treasure within it. They confront the situation and work things out with everyone being honest regarding their claims and receiving their just reward.
16. Altruism
January 1, 2016
Altruism and selflessness, is one of the highest spiritual ranks, as it something that sprouts from having strong faith. Compassion, kindness and enduring hardships is pleasing to God. In this episode we see a man give up his and his family's needs to offer comfort to another. This selfless act pleased God.
God's Mercy
15. God's Mercy
January 1, 2016
The episode is about a man who lived before the time of the Companions of the Prophet, who was blessed with many riches and offspring but went astray despite his blessings. He realized his own mortality and suddenly became full of regret and woe and turned to God with sincere repentance from his past.
Welfare and Kindness
14. Welfare and Kindness
January 1, 2016
This episode discusses the importance of treating animals kindly and not harming them. As the woman in this episode abuses an animal for no justifiable reason and finds herself in hell as a punishment.
13. Piety
January 1, 2016
A man once ate an apple from a stranger's garden and was consumed by guilt. He confessed to the land owner and to make up for his action, the land owner demanded that the man must marry his disabled daughter. Due to his act of sincerity and honesty, the daughter was revealed to be a healthy young woman, and as such he was rewarded with a happy life.
Reward of Patience
12. Reward of Patience
January 1, 2016
People endure many hardships and trials, however if you bear them with patience and remain with a steadfast faith in God will lead to some goodness. This story is of a man who remained steadfast and patient, being saved from a grave incident that would have befallen him and his family.
Generosity and Kindness
11. Generosity and Kindness
January 1, 2016
Generosity and Kindness are key elements of the faith of Islam, and in this episode we will see the hadith story of three men, Ouraba al-Awsi, Qays Ibn Saad, and Abdullah ibn Jaa'far and how their differing acts of kindness reflect principles of faith and religion.
Affliction (Part 2)
10. Affliction (Part 2)
January 1, 1970
The same men who were helped by God, did not act kindly towards people who were enduring the same afflictions they once went through except for the blind man, and because he was merciful to those who were enduring hardships in life, he was blessed and the others were damned.
Affliction (Part 1)
9. Affliction (Part 1)
January 1, 2016
Distress is a natural condition that all creatures experience in order to be tested, and so the believers could be distinguished from the hypocrites. God wanted to test three men, giving a leprous man his healthy skin back, a blind man back his vision, and a poor man all the cattle he could dream of.
8. Mercy
January 1, 2016
The Prophet tells of a worshiper who was lost in the desert only to find a well of water that God had directed him to after beseeching is Lord. At the well, he found a thirsty dog also in dire need of water so the man offered the dog the same mercy he had experienced from God. The Prophet tells his followers how helping any soul will lead to the person being rewarded.
Charity and Donation (Part 2)
7. Charity and Donation (Part 2)
January 1, 1970
After giving charity to the wrong people, the man had mixed emotions causing him confusion. However, in a dream he was told that his charity might help those he had given it to, to lead better lives. A reassuring Hadith states that God won
Charity and Donation (Part 1)
6. Charity and Donation (Part 1)
January 1, 2016
The hadith is about a righteous man who was keen on giving generously to charity. So, he went out one night apart from people to avoid attention and to secretly give some of his money away. He had given the money to 3 different people who were socially deemed unworthy or not in need. However he gave seeking God's blessings and not those around him.
5. Repentance
January 1, 2016
This episode revolves around the notion of repentance. It tells the tale of a man who committed sinful acts but truly sought forgiveness and attempted to repent for his past ways. This truthful want of God's acceptance and forgiveness earned him his place in heaven.
4. Moderation
January 1, 2016
The episode discusses the concept of moderation in terms of one's faith. Many people go to extreme lengths to display their faith and forget that the core values do not require such acts. The Prophet peace be upon him says that life is about living in moderation and not depriving oneself or overindulging in worldly things
Love of God
3. Love of God
January 1, 2016
This episode discusses the merit of performing acts for the sake of exalted God, with no ulterior motives, and the spiritual reward one reaps from such actions. It tells the tale of a man partaking in a harsh and trying journey to see a friend because God requested of him to do so. In return, he received the love of God.
Piety (Part 2)
2. Piety (Part 2)
January 1, 1970
The men begin to lose hope; they turn to God for salvation. They begin proclaiming their good deeds to him in hopes of receiving redemption from him. As each man states how they worshiped God and begged for his mercy, the stone slowly begins to move away until it is cleared from the entrance allowing the men to leave free, saved by the grace of God.
Piety (Part 1)
1. Piety (Part 1)
January 1, 2016
Three men traveling across the lands seek shelter in a cave, only to have the entrance collapse and block them inside. They struggle and attempt to find a way out but it is to no avail.
Where to Watch Stories of the Prophets Era
Stories of the Prophets Era is available for streaming on the Alchemiya website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Stories of the Prophets Era on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2016