Stories of Saints for Kids

Watch Stories of Saints for Kids

  • 2017
  • 3 Seasons

Stories of Saints for Kids from Janson Media is an educational and engaging show that introduces children to the fascinating and inspiring world of saints. This show is perfect for young viewers who are interested in history, religion, and culture. With its colorful animation and lively narration, Stories of Saints for Kids from Janson Media is a fun and interactive way for children to learn about the life and legacy of some of the most beloved and influential saints throughout history.

Each episode of this show tells the story of a different saint, from well-known figures like Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Teresa of Ávila, to lesser-known but equally fascinating saints like Saint Kateri Tekakwitha and Saint Juan Diego. Through these stories, children will discover how these saints lived, the challenges they faced, and the remarkable feats they accomplished.

What sets this show apart from other educational programs is its ability to make complex religious concepts accessible and engaging for young viewers. The narration is clear and easy to follow, and the animation provides visual cues that help children understand abstract ideas like faith, devotion, and sacrifice. Additionally, each episode includes interactive segments that encourage children to think critically about what they've learned and apply it to their own lives.

One of the notable features of this show is its emphasis on diversity and inclusivity. In each episode, viewers will encounter saints from different time periods, cultures, and backgrounds. This diversity not only reflects the global reach of the Catholic Church but also provides opportunities for children to learn about other cultures and perspectives.

Another strength of this show is its focus on practical applications of saintly virtues. While it is important for children to learn about the miraculous and extraordinary deeds of saints, it is equally important for them to see how these virtues can be applied in everyday life. For example, an episode about Saint Maximilian Kolbe shows how his selflessness and courage in standing up to Nazi persecution can inspire children to speak out against bullying and prejudice in their own communities.

Overall, Stories of Saints for Kids from Janson Media is an excellent resource for parents, teachers, and anyone interested in introducing children to the inspiring and diverse world of saints. Its engaging animation, clear narration, and practical applications make it a valuable tool for teaching children about history, religion, and ethics. The show's emphasis on diversity and inclusivity also makes it a powerful tool for promoting understanding and tolerance among young viewers.

Stories of Saints for Kids is a series that ran for 3 seasons (49 episodes) between January 1, 2017 and on Janson Media

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Saint Margaret of Castello| Saint Casilda of Toledo | Story of Saint Catherine de Ricci
7. Saint Margaret of Castello| Saint Casilda of Toledo | Story of Saint Catherine de Ricci
January 2, 2022
The story Saint Margaret of Castello reminds us of the importance of embracing our differences, and using our gifts to serve others. Saint Casilda was the daughter of an Arab King who later converted into Christianity. St. Catherine of Ricci is known for being one of the few saints who experienced the stigmata, the phenomenon in which a person's body bears the wounds of Christ's crucifixion.
Saint Expeditus | Saint Bega of Bees
6. Saint Expeditus | Saint Bega of Bees
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Saint Expedite is patron saint over all urgent matters. He also goes by the name Saint Expeditus. He is also patron saint against procrastination. St. Bega's whole desire was to be betrothed to Christ, to be united to this one that she loved with all her heart.
Saint Avitus | Saint William of Bourges
5. Saint Avitus | Saint William of Bourges
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Saint Avitus of Vienne was a poet and a Bishop. He dedicated his life to God from a very young age. He performed many miracles during the course of his life. St. William of Bourges was a very humble, servant of the Church, practicing heroic austerities. He joined the Cistercian Order, and eventually entered the Order of Grandmount.
Saint Prisca | Story of Saint Herv
4. Saint Prisca | Story of Saint Herv
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Saint Aidan | Saint Werburgh
3. Saint Aidan | Saint Werburgh
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Saint Aidan was an Irish monk who travelled to Northumbria to spread Christianity. He founded a monastery and converted many Anglo Saxons to Christianity in the region. St Werburgh was a Benedictine and patroness of Chester, Abbess of Weedon, Trentham, Hanbury, Minster in Sheppey, and Ely. We celebrate her feast day on 3rd February every year.
Saint Cuthbert | Saint Bibiana
2. Saint Cuthbert | Saint Bibiana
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Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne is regarded as the North's most loved saint, born in 634, in what is now southern Scotland. A hermit by nature, Cuthbert retired to Inner Farne, where he devoted himself to prayer and built an oratory and cell. December 2 marks the Feast Day of Saint Bibiana, a Roman woman who faced a number of challenges during her lifetime.
Saint Anthony the Great
1. Saint Anthony the Great
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St. Anthony the Great, or Anthony of Egypt is generally considered to be the founder and father of organized Christian monasticism, although he himself preferred to live the life of a true hermit, apart from any community, in the deserts of Egypt.
Where to Watch Stories of Saints for Kids
Stories of Saints for Kids is available for streaming on the Janson Media website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Stories of Saints for Kids on demand at Amazon and Tubi TV.
  • Premiere Date
    January 1, 2017