Squid Game Season 1 Episode 1
Squid Game
Season 1

Ep 1. Red Light, Green Light

  • September 17, 2021
  • 8.2  (15,982)

In Squid Game season 1 episode 1, "Red Light, Green Light," we are introduced to a financially struggling protagonist named Gi-hun, who is desperate to get his life back on track. After being approached by a mysterious stranger with an offer to play a series of games in exchange for a large sum of money, Gi-hun reluctantly agrees to participate.

The opening scene of the episode sets the tone for what's to come, as we see a group of people dressed in matching red tracksuits running through a brightly-lit playground. Suddenly, a robotic voice calls out "red light," and all of the players freeze in place. We soon learn that this is just one of many deadly games that the contestants will be forced to participate in.

As the group of contestants is transported to a secret location, we get our first glimpse at the diverse range of characters that make up the cast. There's the no-nonsense police officer, the kindly old man, the tough-as-nails gangster, and the conniving pickpocket, among others. All of them are desperate for a chance to win the prize money, which is promised to be in the billions of won.

Once they arrive at the facility where the games will take place, the contestants are outfitted with matching jumpsuits and given strict instructions on how to play the first game. "Red light, green light" seems deceptively simple at first, as the players must simply walk towards the finish line while a robotic doll spins around and calls out instructions. But as soon as the doll says "red light," anyone who's still moving is immediately eliminated.

The tension ramps up quickly as the first round of the game begins, with many of the contestants displaying a surprising level of skill and strategy. However, it becomes clear that not everyone is there to play fair, as some of the players resort to violence and trickery in order to gain an advantage.

As the game progresses, we get a deeper glimpse into the motivations and backstories of some of the characters. We learn that Gi-hun is a divorced father who owes a large amount of money to loan sharks, and is desperate for a chance to start over. We also see glimpses of the shadowy organization behind the games, including the stern-faced guards who watch over the players and the mysterious figure known only as "the Frontman."

By the end of the episode, the stakes have been raised even higher as the remaining contestants learn that losing the game means forfeiting not just their chance at the prize money, but also their lives.

Overall, "Red Light, Green Light" sets a gripping and intense tone for the rest of the series, with a cast of complex characters and a deadly, high-stakes game to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

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Squid Game, Season 1 Episode 1, is available to watch and stream on Netflix. You can also buy, rent Squid Game on demand at Netflix online.
  • First Aired
    September 17, 2021
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.2  (15,982)