SpongeBob SquarePants Season 3 Episode 22

Ep 22. My Pretty Seahorse

  • July 12, 2002

SpongeBob SquarePants season 3 episode 22, titled "My Pretty Seahorse," follows SpongeBob as he befriends a seahorse and takes it home as a pet. The episode begins with SpongeBob and his best friend, Patrick Star, enjoying a day at the beach. While wandering around, SpongeBob comes across a majestic seahorse and immediately falls in love with it. The seahorse is pink with a long flowing curly tail and bright blue eyes. SpongeBob decides to name the seahorse "Mystery" and take it back to his pineapple to show Gary, his pet snail.

Back at SpongeBob's pineapple, Mystery quickly becomes a handful for SpongeBob. The seahorse is very high maintenance and requires constant attention. SpongeBob puts all of his time and energy into caring for Mystery, neglecting his job at the Krusty Krab. This causes his boss, Mr. Krabs, to become angry and threatens to fire him if he doesn't start showing up to work on time.

As SpongeBob continues to neglect his job, he realizes that Mystery is having a hard time adjusting to life in a pineapple. Mystery is used to swimming in the open ocean and being free to roam wherever she pleases. In order to make Mystery more comfortable, SpongeBob decides to transform his house into an ocean-like environment. He fills his living room with water, adds sea creatures like starfish and jellyfish, and even installs a coral reef.

With Mystery now feeling more at home, SpongeBob spends all his time playing with her and teaching her tricks. However, he soon realizes that Mystery has a bit of a temper. Whenever someone tries to take away her favorite toy, a stuffed animal named William, she becomes angry and aggressive. This behavior causes SpongeBob to worry and question whether or not he's up for the task of taking care of Mystery.

To make matters worse, Mr. Krabs drops by SpongeBob's house one day to collect the money he's owed for all the missed days of work. When Mr. Krabs sees the ocean-like environment SpongeBob has created, he becomes angry and tells SpongeBob that he needs to get rid of Mystery if he wants to keep his job. SpongeBob is faced with a tough decision: keep Mystery as his pet and risk losing his job or give up his beloved seahorse in order to keep working at the Krusty Krab.

As the episode progresses, SpongeBob begins to realize that keeping Mystery as a pet might not be the best idea. He sees all the chaos and destruction that Mystery has caused and starts to understand why Mr. Krabs wants him to get rid of her. In the end, SpongeBob realizes that the best thing for Mystery is to let her go and set her free in the open ocean. Although it's hard for him to say goodbye, he knows that it's the right thing to do.

"My Pretty Seahorse" is an episode that teaches viewers about the responsibilities of pet ownership and the importance of making tough decisions. It also highlights the strong bond that can form between a pet and its owner and the sacrifices that we sometimes have to make for their well-being. Overall, it's an entertaining and heartwarming episode that is sure to appeal to fans of SpongeBob SquarePants of all ages.

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  • First Aired
    July 12, 2002
  • Language