Watch Spike Team
- 2010
- 3 Seasons
9.0 (18)
Spike Team is an energetic and vibrant animated series that aired on Rai 2 in 2010. Set against the backdrop of volleyball, the heart-pumping series blends the thrill of sports with drama, friendship, and personal growth. The show primarily targets young viewers and sports enthusiasts, but also won over a broader audience because of its universal themes and appealing storyline.
The series is set in the colorful seaside town of Evertown, a spot renowned for its historical connection with volleyball. It features a group of six teenage girls with distinct personalities and backgrounds brought together by their mutual passion for volleyball. These dynamic characters, Lucy, Susan, Maddie, Joy, Lisa, and Mary, creatively form the heart and soul of the thrilling series, aptly titled the 'Spike Team'. Their shared ambition is not limited to being the best volleyball team in Evertown; they aspire to reach the national championship and even beyond.
A critical component of the plot is the girls
Spike Team is a series that ran for 3 seasons (78 episodes) between November 21, 2010 and on Rai 2