Special Spaces Season 1 Episode 5
Special Spaces
Season 1

Ep 5. New England Classics

  • October 7, 2012

Special Spaces is a heartwarming reality show that follows a dedicated team of volunteers as they create dream bedrooms and play spaces for children with life-threatening illnesses. In season 1, episode 5 titled "New England Classics," the crew takes on their latest project in the picturesque region of New England.

The episode begins with the team receiving a heartfelt application from the family of Ethan, a brave 10-year-old boy battling a rare form of cancer. Ethan's parents, Sarah and Michael, share their son's passion for classic cars, especially the iconic vintage models of the 1950s and 1960s. Understanding the profound impact a dream bedroom makeover can have on Ethan's spirit, they enlist the help of Special Spaces.

Jeff, the project leader, gathers his enthusiastic team of volunteers and sets out to design a bedroom that captures the spirit of New England and Ethan's love for classic cars. They collaborate with local car clubs and restoration experts to create a truly unique space for the young automotive enthusiast.

As the crew arrives at Ethan's home, they are met with smiles, excitement, and a tangible sense of hope. Sarah and Michael eagerly welcome them, expressing their gratitude for the Special Spaces team's efforts to bring joy and comfort to their beloved son. Ethan, a resilient young boy with a contagious zest for life, cannot contain his excitement as he realizes his dream bedroom is about to become a reality.

Entering Ethan's room, the team is met with a blank canvas waiting to be transformed. They carefully plan the layout, taking inspiration from New England's charm and the timeless beauty of classic automobiles. The volunteers work tirelessly, painting the walls in a soft, serene color palette reminiscent of coastal landscapes and adding eye-catching accents like vintage racing stripes and antique-inspired signage.

To truly capture Ethan's passion for classic cars, the team incorporates elements that transport him to the golden age of automobiles. They find clever ways to integrate décor pieces such as a unique headboard fashioned from the front end of a vintage vehicle and a custom-made desk that resembles an old car's hood.

Recognizing the importance of play and relaxation, the team creates a personalized play area within the room. They install a mini racetrack, complete with remote-control cars and obstacles, providing Ethan with endless hours of entertainment. Additionally, they build a cozy reading nook adorned with shelves filled with car-themed books and memorabilia, fostering a love for learning and exploration.

Throughout the episode, the Special Spaces team showcases their unwavering dedication to their cause. They demonstrate incredible attention to detail, crafting a room that not only meets Ethan's dreams but also functions as a safe haven for him during his challenging medical journey.

As the day of the big reveal approaches, anticipation fills the air. Sarah and Michael anxiously wait outside Ethan's room, their hearts brimming with hope for their son. When the doors finally open, their faces light up with pure joy and amazement at the transformation that lies before them. Tears trickle down their cheeks as they witness Ethan's genuine delight and astonishment.

Ethan's reaction is nothing short of priceless. Utterly taken aback, he gasps and covers his mouth in disbelief. His eyes shimmer with tears of happiness as he takes in every carefully curated detail. The custom-designed space embodies his passion and love for classic cars, creating a haven where he can escape the confines of his illness and simply be a kid.

In the final moments of the episode, the Special Spaces team reflects on the immeasurable impact they have made on Ethan's life and the lives of countless other children. They are reminded that their work is not just about the physical transformation of a room but also about the emotional healing and resilience it instills in these young warriors.

"New England Classics" is an episode filled with hope, love, and the power of community. It showcases the remarkable efforts of the Special Spaces team as they bring joy and inspiration to the lives of children facing unimaginable challenges. Through their dedication, they demonstrate that a dream bedroom is not merely a physical space but a profound testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

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  • First Aired
    October 7, 2012
  • Language