Special Spaces Season 1 Episode 1
Special Spaces
Season 1

Ep 1. From Penthouse to Treehouse

  • August 5, 2012

Special Spaces is a heartwarming show that follows the story of a non-profit organization dedicated to creating dream bedrooms for children with life-threatening medical illnesses. Season 1 episode 1, titled "From Penthouse to Treehouse," is a heartwarming tale of a young boy named Alex who is ardent about nature and longed-for a treehouse where he could unleash his imagination, explore the outdoors, and be like Tarzan.

With his life-threatening medical illness, Alex's dream to have a treehouse appeared far-fetched until the non-profit organization came to the rescue. The episode follows a team of compassionate volunteers from Special Spaces as they design and construct Alex's dream treehouse.

The team's journey begins with Alex and his family, as they welcome the team of volunteers into their home and share his story. The team works closely with Alex and his family to get his ideas and inspirations, creating a plan for the ultimate treehouse. It's not just a treehouse to them, but a space that represents his personality and passions, bringing to life the dreams of a child that has been terminally ill.

The team of volunteers works tirelessly to transform the backyard into a nature-inspired oasis. The episode takes the audience on a journey, showing the intricate details and the craftsmanship that goes into constructing the treehouse. From the selection of the perfect tree to building the foundation, the volunteers put in great efforts to make sure the treehouse is safe and sound.

It's not just about constructing the treehouse; the team also focuses on the interior design, ensuring that every detail is perfect. The team made sure the colors and textures of the treehouse reflect Alex's long-lasting connection with nature. From the intricate designs on the walls to the cozy blankets and books placed inside, the treehouse is a space that Alex will cherish for the rest of his life.

The finishing touch of the episode is the team's big reveal of the treehouse to Alex and his family. The moment when Alex sees his dream turned into reality, he is left speechless, and tears flow down his cheeks. His face exemplifies the beauty of the show that brought a magical experience to the little warrior amidst his extreme health issues. The tears shed were of immense happiness as he finally gets the chance to live his dreams and be a part of nature like never before.

The episode ends with Alex inviting his friends over for a treehouse party. The Special Spaces team not only created a space for Alex but also gave him an opportunity to make memories that will last a lifetime. His friends and him can enjoy the treehouse and create bonds of memories while enjoying the gift of life.

The season 1 episode 1 of Special Spaces "From Penthouse to Treehouse" is an emotional story that showcases the power to create something that not only fulfills a child's dreams but also evokes their deepest emotions. The heartwarming journey of the volunteers in creating this magical treehouse is an inspiration, showing that the community working together can change the lives of those in need.

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  • First Aired
    August 5, 2012
  • Language