Space Ghost Coast to Coast Season 2 Episode 6

Ep 6. Le Livre D'Histoire

  • June 9, 1995
  • 13 min
  • 4.7  (51)

Space Ghost Coast to Coast is an animated talk show that is set in outer space. The show stars the titular character Space Ghost, a superhero who is now retired. The show features interviews with various celebrities and fictional characters, as well as comedic skits and parodies.

Season 2 episode 6 of Space Ghost Coast to Coast is titled "Le Livre D'Histoire." In this episode, Space Ghost welcomes two guests to the show: comedian Andy Merrill and musician Joel Hodgson. Merrill is best known for his work as the voice of Brak, a character from the animated series The Brak Show. Hodgson, on the other hand, is the creator of the cult classic TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000.

The episode opens with Space Ghost introducing his guests, who are seated on a couch beside him. Merrill and Hodgson exchange pleasantries with Space Ghost before the superhero reveals that he has a surprise for them. He holds up a French book and explains that it is a rare historical document that he acquired on his travels. The book, titled Le Livre D'Histoire, contains information about the history of the universe.

Merrill and Hodgson express interest in the book and ask Space Ghost if they can take a look at it. Space Ghost agrees and hands the book over to Merrill, who begins to read from it. Hodgson takes notes on what Merrill is saying, looking very interested in the information presented in the book.

As Merrill continues to read, Space Ghost interrupts him and accuses him of not speaking French properly. Merrill tries to defend himself by saying that his French is good enough to get by, but Space Ghost is skeptical. He challenges Merrill to a French pronunciation contest, which Merrill reluctantly agrees to.

The contest consists of Space Ghost and Merrill taking turns reading French phrases from the book. Space Ghost pronounces each phrase perfectly, but Merrill struggles to keep up. Hodgson encourages him from the sidelines, but it is clear that Merrill is not going to win the contest.

After the contest, Space Ghost thanks his guests for coming on the show and hands them some commemorative plates as a gift. The plates are decorated with pictures of Space Ghost and his sidekicks Zorak and Moltar. Merrill and Hodgson seem pleased with the gifts and thank Space Ghost for having them on the show.

As the episode ends, Space Ghost bids farewell to his guests and reminds them to return the book to him before they leave. Merrill and Hodgson promise to take good care of the book and return it as soon as they are finished with it. Space Ghost signs off with his iconic catchphrase, "Goodnight, everybody!"

In conclusion, "Le Livre D'Histoire" is a lighthearted episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast that features entertaining banter between Space Ghost and his guests. The French pronunciation contest is a highlight, as Merrill's struggles with the language provide plenty of comedic moments. Fans of The Brak Show and Mystery Science Theater 3000 will enjoy seeing Merrill and Hodgson appear on the show, and the rare book adds an element of intrigue to the proceedings. Overall, this is a fun episode that is sure to please fans of the series.

Watch Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Le Livre D'Histoire (s2 e6) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download
Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Season 2 Episode 6, is available to watch free on Adult Swim and stream on Cartoon Network. You can also stream, download Space Ghost Coast to Coast on demand at online.
  • First Aired
    June 9, 1995
  • Runtime
    13 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.7  (51)