Soy Luna Season 2 Episode 19
Soy Luna
Season 2

Ep 19. Episode 99

  • May 11, 2017

Luna and her friends are back with another adventurous episode in season 2 of Soy Luna. Episode 99 begins with the Sol Benson team preparing for the final match of the Intercontinental Skating Competition while dealing with the looming threat of the Mysterious Skater. With so much pressure on their shoulders, each member of the team is pushing themselves to their limits and beyond.

On the other hand, Luna is struggling with the recent revelation that her parents may not be who they said they were. She's been trying to piece together information about her biological parents, but nothing seems to add up. She confides in her best friend Simón, but he's preoccupied with his own problems. Meanwhile, Luna's adopted parents are worried about Luna's mental state and try to get her to go to therapy, which only adds to her stress.

As the day of the final match arrives, the Sol Benson team prepares to take the ice against their rival team, the Bay Roller Skaters. Luna is determined to skate her best and help her team win, but there are distractions everywhere. The Mysterious Skater is back, and Luna can't shake the feeling that they're somehow connected to her past. The Bay Roller Skaters have brought their A-game, and it's clear that they're going to be a tough opponent to beat.

The match begins, and Luna and her team skate with all their hearts. Each member pushes themselves to the limit, executing choreographed spins and jumps that take the breath away. But as the match heats up, it becomes clear that the Bay Roller Skaters are a formidable opponent. They execute their moves with ease and precision, leaving the Sol Benson team struggling to keep up.

Just when it seems like the Sol Benson team is out for the count, something unexpected happens. Luna taps into a strength she never knew she had, and suddenly the match takes a dramatic turn. With Luna leading the charge, the Sol Benson team puts on an electrifying display of skating prowess that leaves the audience stunned. The judges' scores are tallied, and it's clear that the Sol Benson team is the winner.

After the match, Luna is filled with a sense of triumph and relief. She's happy for her team, but she's also made a life-changing decision. She decides to pursue the truth about her biological parents, no matter where it leads her. Luna knows that it won't be easy, but she's determined to know the truth, no matter what.

As the season enters its final episodes, it's clear that Luna and her friends are headed towards an exciting and unpredictable conclusion. Will Luna find out the truth about her past? Will the Mysterious Skater be revealed? Will the Sol Benson team win the championship? All this and more will be answered in the upcoming episodes of Soy Luna, where every moment is a rollercoaster ride of excitement and emotion.

Watch Soy Luna - Episode 99 (s2 e19) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Soy Luna, Season 2 Episode 19, is available to watch and stream on Disney Channel. You can also buy, rent Soy Luna on demand at Disney+ online.
  • First Aired
    May 11, 2017
  • Language