Soundstage Season 8 Episode 3
Season 8

Ep 3. 3 Girls and Their Buddy

  • February 4, 2010

Three Girls and Their Buddy is the third episode of the eighth season of Soundstage. In this episode, viewers are taken on a journey through the unique and captivating musical performances of Emmylou Harris, Shawn Colvin, Patty Griffin, and Buddy Miller.

The show starts with a breathtaking performance by Emmylou Harris, who is known for her country and folk music. Her powerful voice fills the air with emotion as she sings about love and heartbreak. The musicians accompanying her play their instruments skillfully, adding depth and texture to the songs.

As the show progresses, the focus shifts to the other three artists, each with their unique style and sound. Shawn Colvin's soothing voice and poetic lyrics create a sense of peace and calm. Patty Griffin's powerful voice shines as she sings about the complexities of life and love. Buddy Miller's raw, gritty sound adds an element of depth and soulfulness to the mix.

The chemistry between the artists is palpable as they perform together, seamlessly blending their voices and playing off each other's energy. The show is a showcase of their individual talents, as well as their ability to collaborate and create something beautiful together.

Throughout the episode, viewers are treated to a mix of original songs and covers, each performed with the artists' unique flair. From Emmylou Harris' cover of the classic song "Six White Horses" to Patty Griffin's haunting rendition of "Mary", each song is a testament to the power of music to evoke emotion and bring people together.

The show culminates with a stunning performance of the song "Get Together", originally recorded by the band The Youngbloods. The four artists take turns singing different verses, each adding their own personal touch to the classic song. It's a fitting end to a show that celebrates the power of music to unite and inspire.

Overall, Three Girls and Their Buddy is a must-watch episode for anyone who loves great music. The performances are captivating, the artists are talented, and the sense of camaraderie between them is infectious. Whether you're a fan of country, folk, or rock music, there's something for everyone in this episode of Soundstage.

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  • First Aired
    February 4, 2010
  • Language