Ep 5. Fanny and the Professor
- April 11, 2000
- 23m:2s min
Reverend Ralph Green stops by and offers his organizations political support to Mayor Anita Massengil if she would do something about the wearing of thongs on the beaches of Malibu Adjacent. Always eager for support, the Mayor goes along with his request and bans the wearing of thongs on the beach (dress code requirement imposed, certain length of material required). The Mayor orders Notch Johnson and his lifeguards to enforce the new law. Johnson shows his support for thong-wearers by revealing his own thong.
Meanwhile, B.J. Cummings has a heart-felt reunion with her never meet, and somewhat denying the existence of father, Reverend Ralph Green.
Even more meanwhile, a small boy goes missing after trying to find the nude beach. Dad is upset and worried.