Watch SmashBits Animation
- 1969
- 1 Season
SmashBits Animation from Studio71 is a popular animated sketch comedy show that has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. The show features a wide range of characters, each with their unique personality and storyline, voiced by the talented Dexter Manning. A typical episode of SmashBits Animation from Studio71 is made up of several animated skits, ranging from parodies of popular movies and video games to original storylines created by the passionate and creative team behind the show.
One of the most popular recurring characters on SmashBits Animation from Studio71 is the lovable and hilarious Steve, a character voiced by Dexter Manning. Steve is a hapless hero who often finds himself in bizarre and dangerous situations, always with a humorous and unexpected twist.
Another fan favorite is the sassy and sarcastic cat, Luna. Luna brings her unique brand of humor to the show with her witty one-liners and playful banter with other characters.
Aside from the humor, SmashBits Animation from Studio71 also explores deeper themes at times. The show tackles topics such as mental health, social issues, and relationships, providing insightful perspectives while still maintaining its comedic edge.
The animation style of the show is top-notch, featuring vibrant colors and crisp, fluid animation that brings each character to life. The attention to detail in the animation and backgrounds is impressive, creating a fully realized world that draws the viewer in.
Aside from the talented voice acting of Dexter Manning, SmashBits Animation from Studio71 also features a talented team of writers, animators, and musicians who work hard to create each episode. A lot of effort goes into each skit and storyline, resulting in a show that is consistently entertaining and engaging.
Overall, SmashBits Animation from Studio71 is a must-watch for any fan of animated comedies. With its diverse cast of characters, top-notch animation, and punchy humor, this show has something for everyone. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the hilarious antics of Steve, Luna, and the rest of the gang in SmashBits Animation from Studio71.